Aachen, Hans von
Abbey, Edwin Austin
Abbiati, Alessandro Paolo
Achenbach, Moore S.
Adato, Linda
Aelst, Willem van
Aguado de Las Marismas, O
Aiken, Henry Sr.
Aischines Painter
Albani, Francesco
Alberti, Cherubino
Aldegrever, Heinrich
Aldrin, Anders
Alexander, Francesca
Alexander, Henry
Alexander, John White
Alinari, Leopoldo
Alken, Henry
Allegrini, Francesco
Allen, James Baylis
Allston, Washington
Almeloven, Jan van
Alt, Jakob
Altdorfer, Albrecht
Amalteo, Pomponio
Aman-Jean, Edmond Françoi
Amato, Francesco
Amigoni, Jacopo
Amman, Jost
Amodio, Michele
Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, James
Andrea del Sarto
Andreani, Andrea
Anesi, Paolo
Angelico, Fra
Angelis, Domenico de
Anisfeld, Boris
Annan, Thomas
Anshutz, Thomas Pollock
Anthony, Edward
Antreasian, Garo Z.
Appian, Adolphe
Aquila, Pietro
Aquila, Pompeo dell'
Armington, Caroline
Armitage, Kenneth
Armstrong, Charles
Arnout, Jean Baptiste
Ashford Brothers and Comp
Asselyn, Jan
Atherton, John C.
Atkins, Anna
Aubert, François
Aubry, Etienne
Audubon, John James
Auerbach-Levy, William M.
Ault, George C.
Austin, Robert Sargent
Ayres, Thomas Almond
Babel, Pierre Edme
Backer, Jacob Adriaensz
Badalocchio, Sisto
Badger, Joseph
Baglione, Giovanni
Baillie, Captain William
Baillie, James S.
Baker, George Holbrook
Baker, Thomas
Bakhuysen, Ludolf
Bakst, Leon
Baldini, Baccio
Balduccio, Giovanni
Baldung Grien, Hans
Baldus, Édouard-Denis
Ball, Wilfrid Williams
Ballin, Auguste
Baltimore Painter
Bandinelli, Bartolommeo
Bara, Johan
Barbari, Jacopo de'
Barber, Evelyn
Barclay, John Rankine
Bard, James
Bard, Jean Auguste
Barker, Lucy Hayward
Barlach, Ernst
Barlow, Francis
Barocci, Federico
Baroni, Giuseppe
Barotte, Leon
Barras, Sebastien
Barre, Jean Auguste
Barrows, Albert
Bartlett, Charles W.
Bartlett, Jennifer
Bartoli, Pietro Santo
Bartolomeo di Giovanni
Bartolozzi, Francesco
Barye, Antoine-Louis
Baskett, Charles Henry
Bass, Joel
Batoni, Pompeo
Baudet, Etienne
Bauer, Marius Alexander J
Baumann, Gustave
Baumgartner, Johann Wolfg
Baur, Johann Wilhelm
Baynard, Ed
Bazin, Charles-Louis
Bazzani, Luigi
Bazzicaluva, Ercole
Beale, Sophia
Beard, Richard
Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent
Beato, Felice
Beaumont, Edouard de
Beaumont, Leonard
Beaux, Cecilia
Beccafumi, Domenico
Beceri, Domenico
Beckett, Isaac
Bedford, Francis
Beechey, Richard Brydges
Beechey, William
Beerbohm, Max
Beham, Barthel
Beham, Hans Sebald
Behrens, Peter
Bejot, Eugene
Bekel, Josef
Bellange, Jacques
Bellanger, Camille-Felix
Belleroche, Albert de
Bellew, Frank
Belliard, Zephirin-Felix-
Bellotto, Bernardo
Bellows, George Wesley
Bemme, Johannes Adriaansz
Benard, Jacque Francois
Benaschi, Giovanni Battis
Benbridge, Henry
Bencovich, Federico
Benedetti, Giuseppi
Benjamin (Benjamin Roubau
Bennet, Penelope
Benson, Ambrosius
Bentley, Alfred
Bentley, Charles
Bentley, Wilson Alwyn
Berardi, Fabio
Berchem, Nicolaes Pieters
Berckheyde, Gerrit Adriae
Berlandina, Jane
Berlinghieri, Camillo
Bermudez, Xavier
Bernard, Emile
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Berns, Ben
Bertall (Charles Albert d
Bertoja, Jacopo Zanguidi
Bertsch, Auguste Adolphe
Besnard, Albert
Bettera, Bartolomeo
Beuckelaer, Joachim
Bewick, Thomas
Beyeren, Abraham van
Bibiena, Giuseppe Galli
Bicci di Lorenzo
Bichebois, Pierre Louis P
Bicknell, Albion Harris
Bida, Alexandre
Bien, Julius
Biennais, Martin-Guillaum
Bierstadt, Albert
Bingham, George Caleb
Bink, Jacob
Birago, Giovanni Pietro d
Birch, Thomas
Biscaino, Bartolomeo
Bison, Giuseppe Bernardin
Bisschop, Jan de
Blake, William
Blakelock, Ralph Albert
Blakey, Nicholas
Blanch, Arnold
Blarenberghe, Henri Josep
Blarenberghe, Louis Nicol
Blass, Luke de
Blatherwick, Lily
Blery, Eugène-Stanislas-A
Bloemaert, Abraham
Bloemaert, Frederik
Blooteling, Abraham
Blum, Robert Frederick
Blundell, Alfred Richard
Blythe, David Gilmour
Boetius, Christian Friedr
Boggs, Frank Myers
Boilly, Louis-Léopold
Boissieu, Jean Jacques d
Bol, Ferdinand
Boldini, Giovanni
Boldrini, Niccolò
Bolles, John Thomas
Bologna, Giovanni da
Bolswert, Schelte Adams
Boltats, Frederick
Bonasone, Giulio di Anto
Bonavera, Domenico Maria
Bonavia, Carlo
Bone, David Muirhead
Bonfils, Félix
Bonheur, Marie Rosa
Bonilla, Roberto Werner
Bonington, Richard Parkes
Bonnet, Louis-Mare
Bononi, Carlo
Bonsu, Nana Osei
Bonvin, François
Bonzi, Pietro Paolo
Bool, A. & J.
Borch, Gerard ter
Borein, Edward
Borg, Carl Oscar
Borgiani, Orazio
Bormann, Emma
Born, Ernest Alexander
Boschini, Marco
Boscoli, Andrea
Bosio, François Joseph
Bosse, Abraham
Bossi, Benigno
Both, Jan
Bouchardon, Edmé
Boucher, François
Bouchot, Frederic
Bouchène, Dmitri
Boudin, Eugène Louis
Boughton, George Henry
Bouguereau, William-Adolp
Boullongne, Louis de (the
Boullongne, Louis de (the
Boulton, Matthew
Bouquet, Auguste
Bourdelle, Emile-Antoine
Bourdon, Sébastien
Bourne, Samuel
Bout, Pieter
Boutet de Monvel, Louis-M
Bouts, Dieric
Bova, Marino (Bovi)
Bow Factory
Boyd, Linda Lee
Boydell, John
Boyne, John
Boynton, Ray Scepter
Boys, Thomas Shotter
Boze, Joseph
Brabazon, Hercules Brabaz
Bracquemond, Félix
Bradford, William
Bradley & Rulofson
Bradshaw, S.
Brambilla, Ambrogio
Bramirro, Orazio
Brandard, Robert
Brandi, Domenico
Brangwyn, Frank
Braun, Adolphe
Braunschweig Furstenburg
Bray, Salomon de
Breenbergh, Bartholomeus
Brescia, Giovanni Antonio
Bresdin, Rodolphe
Bressanini, E.
Bresslern-Roth, Norberti
Breuer, Peter
Bricher, Alfred Thompson
Bright, Henry
Brignoni, Serge
Bril, Paul
Briscoe, Arthur-John-Trev
Brispot, Henri
Britton & Co./ Britton &
Brizio, Francesco
Brockhurst, Gerald Leslie
Brocky, Charles
Brogi, Giacomo
Bronkhorst, Johannes
Bronzino, Agnolo
Brookes, Samuel Marsden
Brothers, Harold John
Browere, Alburtus Del Ori
Brown, Bolton
Brown, George Loring
Brown, Grafton T.
Brown, John George
Browning, Colleen
Bru, Rosa
Brueghel the Elder, Jan
Brueghel, Pieter (the Eld
Brun, Louis-Auguste
Brunet-Debaines, Alfred L
Bruntjen, Sabine A.
Brush, George De Forest
Brustoloni, Giovanni Batt
Bruyn, Abraham de
Bruyn, Nicolaes de
Bry, Auguste
Bryen, Camille
Buck, Samuel
Buckman, Percy W. I.
Buff, Conrad
Buhot, Felix Hilaire
Buhot, Félix-Hilaire
Bunker, Dennis Miller
Buonarroti, Michelangelo
Burani, Francesco di Dome
Burchfield, Charles Ephra
Burden, Chris
Burgess, Michelle
Burgkmair, Hans, the eld
Burke, Thomas
Burne-Jones, Edward
Bush, Norton
Bush, S. L.
Busiri, Giovanni Battista
Butler, Benjamin Franklin
Butler, Theodore
Buys, Jacobus
Bye, Marcus de
Byk, Paul
Béatrizet, Nicolas
Cabel, Adriaen van der
Caccioli, Giuseppe Antoni
Cadart, Alfred
Cadenasso, Giuseppe
Calamatta, Luigi
Caldara, Polidoro
Caletti, Giuseppe (Il Cre
Caliari, Carletto
Callot, Jacques
Calvert, Edward
Calyo, Nicolino
Cambiaso, Luca
Cameron, David Young
Cameron, Julia Margaret
Cameron, William R.
Campagnola, Domenico
Campi da Cremona, Antonio
Candido, Pietro (Pieter d
Candlelight Master, The
Cantagallina, Remigio
Cantarini, Simone
Canuti, Domenico Maria
Capitelli, Bernardino
Capodimonte Factory
Caraglio, Giovanni Jacopo
Cardenas Arroyo, Santiago
Carjat, Étienne
Carlevariis, Luca
Carlone, Giovanni Battist
Carlsen, Emil
Carmontelle, Louis Carrog
Carolus-Duran, Emile
Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste
Carpioni, Giulio
Carracci, Agostino
Carracci, Annibale
Carracci, Ludovico
Carrick, Charles
Carriera, Rosalba
Carriere, Eugène
Cartaro, Mario
Cartwright, Thomas
Cary, W.M.
Cassas, Louis François
Cassatt, Mary
Cassidy, Ira Diamond Gera
Casteels, Peter
Castello, Giovanni Battis
Castello, Valerio
Castiglione, Giovanni Be
Castiglione, Salvatore
Castro-Cid, Henrique
Catenaro, Giovanni Battis
Catlin, George
Caughley Factory
Cavalieri, Giovanni Batti
Cavallini, Pietro
Caylus, Anne Claude Phil
Cazes, Romain
Cesari, Giuseppe (Cavalie
Cesi, Bartolomeo
Cesio, Carlo (or Carlo Ce
Chalfant, Jefferson David
Challe, Charles Michel-An
Cham (Amédée Charles Henr
Chamberlayne, William Joh
Champney, James Wells
Chanco, Pauletta M.
Chand, Nihal
Chandler, Winthrop
Chantereau, Jerome-Franco
Chantilly Factory
Chao, Shao-An
Chapu, Henri Michel Antoi
Charlot, Luther
Charpentier, Alexander-Lo
Charpentier-Mio, Maurice
Chase, Lorenzo B.
Chase, William Merritt
Chassériau Théodore
Cheffetz, Asa
Chelsea Factory
Chenevard, Paul
Cheney, Philip
Chesham, Francis
Chiang Su
Chiari, Fabrizio
Chimenti, Jacopo (Jacopo
Chiura, Obata
Choki, Eishosai
Church, Frederic Edwin
Church, Frederick Stuart
Chéret, Jules
Ciamberlano, Luca
Cima da Conegliano, Giova
Cipriani, Giovanni Battis
Claesz, Allaert
Clark, I.
Clement, Alexandre
Clerk of Eldin, John
Cleve, Joos van
Clodion (Claude Michel)
Clute, Walter Marshall
Clérisseau, Jacques Louis
Coalport Factory
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas I
Coecke van Aelst, Pieter
Cogniet, Léon
Coiny, Joseph
Cole, J. Foxcroft
Cole, Thomas
Cole, Timothy
Collaert, Adriaen
Collaert, Hans or Jan
Collard, Albert
Compagnie des Cristalleri
Compagno, Scipione
Conca, Tommaso
Conde, John
Conder, Charles
Constable, John
Constant, Jean Joseph Ben
Cook, Thomas
Cooper, G.V.
Coornhert, Dirk Volkertsz
Copley, John
Copley, John Singleton
Coppola, Carlo
Corenzio, Belisario
Coriolano, Bartolomeo
Corneille De Lyon
Corneille de Lyon
Corneille, Jean-Baptiste
Corona Painter
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Cami
Cort, Cornelis
Corte, Gaspare Ruina de
Corzas, Francisco
Cossin, Louis
Costa, Giovanni Francesco
Costigan, John
Cotman, John Sell
Courbet, Gustave
Court, Jean de
Courtois, Guillaume
Cousins, Samuel
Couture, Thomas
Cox, David
Cox, H.F.
Coypel, Antoine
Cozens, John Robert
Cranach, Hans
Cranach, Lucas (the Elder
Crane, Walter
Crawford, E. Stetson
Crespi, Daniele
Cresswell and Washburn
Cromek, Thomas Hartley
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
Cross, Henri-Edmond
Crowquill, Alfred Henry F
Cruikshank, George
Cruikshank, Isaac Robert
Cruyl, Lievin
Cucinotta, Saro
Cuellar, Carlos
Cunego, Domenico
Cuneo, Rinaldo
Currier and Ives
Currier, Nathaniel
Curry, John Steuart
Curtis, George E.
Cuvelier, Eugene
Cuyp, Aelbert
Cézanne, Paul
d'Angolo, Marco (Marco To
D'Oyley, Charles
D'Oyley, J.
Dadd, Richard
Daddi, Bernardo
Dael, Jan-Frans van
Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal A
Dagron, Prudent-René-Patr
Daguerre, Louis Jacques M
Dahl, Johan-Christian-Cla
Dallemagne, Adolphe-Jean-
Dalou, Aime-Jules
Damme, Elisabeth van
Dance, Nathaniel
Danckerts, Dancker
Danckerts, Justus
Dandré-Bardon, Michel-Fra
Daniell, Reverend Edward
Daniell, Thomas
Daniell, William R. A.
Dannequin, Alfred-Joseph
Dannhauser, Jean Eduard
Daret de Cazeneuve, Pierr
Darley, Felix Octavius Ca
Daubigny, Charles Franço
Daubigny, Charles-Françoi
Daubigny, Karl Pierre
Daugherty, James Henry
Daumier, Honoré-Victori
Dauphin, Olivier (Dolfin
David, Giovanni
David, Jacques-Louis
Davies, Arthur Bowen
Day, Charles William
Day, William
de Amaral, Olga
De Boulogne, Paul
de Forest, Lockwood
de Grebber, Pieter Fransz
De Jean, Louis
de Martelly, John Stockto
De Peyster Painter, The
de Pressense, Francois
De Wint, Peter
Deakin, Edwin
Debucourt, Philibert-Loui
Decamps, Alexandre Gabrie
Decaris, Albert
Decker, Joseph
Degas, Edgar Germain Hil
Dehn, Adolf Arthur
Dehodencq, Edme-Alexis-Al
Delacroix, Eugène
Delaunay-Terk, Sonia
Delaune, Etienne
Delauney, Alfred-Alexandr
Delaware, Lady Henrietta
Della Bella, Stefano
della Bella, Stefano
Delorme, George
Delpech, François-Séraphi
Demachy, Pierre-Antoine
Demarteau, Gilles Antoine
Demuth, Charles
Denes, Agnes
Denison, Harold T.
Denny, Gideon Jacques
Denon, Le Baron Dominique
Dente, Marco (Marco da R
Depenne, C.F. (de Penne)
Deroche, Mathieu
Derschaart, Gregor van
Desbois, Jules
Desbrosses, Léopold
Deshays, Jean Baptiste He
Desmaisons, Pierre
Desnoyers, Baron August-G
Desplaces, Louis
Desprez, Louis-Jean
Desrais, Claude-Louis
Detaille, Jean-Baptiste-E
Detel, Leon
Detouche, Henri
Devambez, Andre-Victor-Ed
Devis, Arthur
Devéria, Achille
Devéria, Eugène François
Dewing, Thomas Wilmer
Diamantini, Giuseppe
Diaz de la Peña, Narcisse
Dickinson, Edwin Walter
Diepenbeeck, Abraham Jans
Dietrich, Christian Wilhe
Dietzsch, Barbara Regina
Dighton, Richard
Dighton, Robert
Dipre, Nicholas
Disdéri, André Adolphe Eu
Dixon, Henry
Dixon, John
Dixon, Maynard
Dodd, Francis
Dolan, Philip
Donry, Bertrand
Dorigny, Louis
Dorigny, Michel
Doré, Gustave
Dougherty, Paul
Doughty, Thomas
Dove, Arthur Garfield
Dow, Arthur Wesley
Downman, John
Doyen, Gabriel-François
Doyle, Charles Altamount
Dresden Factory
Drewes, Werner
Driggs, Elsie
Dropsy, Henry
Drouart, Maurice Raphael
Ducornet, Louis-Joseph-Ce
Duez, Ernest Ange
Dughet, Gaspard (Gaspard
Dujardin, Karel
Dulac, Charles-Marie
Dumas, Tancred R.
Dumong, F. W.
Dumoustier, Daniel
Duncan, Gregor
Duplessis, Joseph Siffred
Dupont, Pieter
Dupré, Julien
Dupuis, Nicholas Gabriel
Duquenoy, Francois
Durand, Asher Brown
Durand, Charles Emile Aug
Durand, G.
Durandelle, Louis-Émile
Durrie, George Henry
Dutertre, Andre
Duveneck, Frank
Duvet, Jean
Dyck, Anthony van
Dye, Clarkson
Dürer, Albrecht
E. J. W.
Eakins, Thomas
Eames, O.A.
Earl, James
Earl, Ralph
Earle, L.C.
Earlom, Richard
East, Alfred
Eberlein, Johann Friederi
Eberts, Jean Henri
Eby, Kerr
Edelinck, Gérard
Edouart, Augustin
Edridge, Henry
Edwards, George Wharton
Eeckhout, Gerbrand van de
Eilshemius, Louis
Eisen, Charles Dominique
Eishi, Chobunsai
Eismann, Carlo Brisighell
Ekenaes, Jahn
El Greco
Elliot & Fry
Elstrack, Reginald or Ren
Emerson, Peter Henry
Epstein, Jacob
Erp, Dirk van
Erri, Bartolomeo degli
Ertinger, Frans
Esteve, Augustin
Estève, Maurice
Fabergé, Peter Carl
Fabri, Ralph
Fabrioni, M. M.
Fabritius, Barent
Faccini, Pietro
Fagiuoli (Girolamo Faccio
Fairman, Gideon
Faivre, Jules Abel
Falck, Jeremias
Falcone, Aniello (Loracol
Falconer, Thomas
Falda, Giovanni Battista
Faldoni, Giovanni Antonio
Falk, Benjamin
Famin, C.
Famin, P.
Fantetti, Cesare
Fantin-Latour, Ignace-He
Fantin-Latour, Victoria D
Fantuzzi, Antonio
Farinati, Orazio
Farinati, Paolo
Farrer, Henry
Faselt, Johann Georg
Fasolo, Giovanni Antonio
Faville, William Baker
Favretto, Giacomo
Feke, Robert
Fenton, Roger
Ferdinandi, Francesco (Im
Ferogio, Francois Fortune
Ferrari, Ettore
Ferrari, Giovanni Andrea
Ferri, Ciro
Ferroni, Giralamo
Ferrucci, Francesco di Si
Fessard, Etienne
Feti, Domenico
Fialetti, Odoardo
Fielding, Newton Limbird
Filhon, Paul
Filippo, Napoletano (Teod
Finch, Daniel
Finden, Edward Francis
Fisher, Hugo Anton
Fiske, George
Fitton, Hedley
Flameng, Léopold
Flaxman, Mary Ann
Flint, Willam Russell
Flipart, Jean-Jacques
Florian, Walter
Floris, Frans, the elder
Foncelle, A.
Fonfreide, Victor
Fonseca, Caio
Fontana, Giambattista
Fontana, Giulio
Fontebasso, Francesco
Forain, Jean-Louis
Foringer, A. E.
Fortune, E. Charlton
Fortuny Y Carbo, Mariano
Fragonard, Jean Honoré
Franceschini, Marc Antoni
Francia, Francois-Louis-T
Franck, Francois-Marie-Lo
Francken, Frans (the Youn
Franco, Giacomo
Franco, Giovanni Battista
Frank, Sepp
Français, François-Louis
Freake-Gibbs Painter, The
Frey, Johann Jakob
Frezza, Giovanni Girolamo
Fried, Robert
Frisch, Victor
Frith, Francis
Frost, Isaac
Frost, William Edward
Fry, Elliot
Frye, Thomas
Frémy, Jacques-Noel-Marie
Fuchs, Louis Joseph Gusta
Fuger, Friedrich-Heinrich
Fujimori, Shizuo
Fuller, George
Fuller, Henry Brown
Fulmore, Ella
Fuseli, Johann Heinrich
Fyt, Jan
Gabbiani, Antonio Domenic
Gaillard, Claude Ferdinan
Gaillot, Bernard
Gainsborough, Thomas
Galestruzzi, Giovanni Bat
Gallagher, Sears
Galle, Cornelis I
Galle, Joannes
Galle, Philip
Galle, Theodor
Gallina, Remigio Canta
Gandolfi, Gaetano
Gandolfi, Ubaldo
Gantz, Jeanne
Garbieri, Lorenzo
Garcia, Rupert
Garrett, Edmund Henry
Garzi, Luigi
Gaskell, George Percival
Gatti, Oliviero
Gaucher, Charles-Etienne
Gaucherel, Léon
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri
Gauffier, Louis
Gauguin, Paul
Gaul, August
Gaulli, Giovanni Battista
Gautier Dagoty, Edouard
Gautier, Lucien-Marcelli
Gavarni, Paul (Hippolyte
Gay, August François
Gay, Walter
Gendall, John
Genis, René
Georgin, Francois
Georgin, François
Gertner, Peter
Gervais, Paul
Gherardi, Antonio
Gheyn II, Jacques de
Ghezzi, Pier-Leone
Ghisi, Giorgio
Giaconi, Vincenzo
Giampiccoli, Giuliano
Gifford, C.B.
Gifford, Sanford Robinson
Gigoux, Jean Francois
Gil, Anibal
Gill, Brendan
Gill, Eric
Gillam, William Charles F
Gille, Christian Friedric
Gille, Colson (Jean-Franc
Gillett, Edward Frank
Gillray, James
Gimignani, Giacinto
Giordano Luca
Giordano, Luca
Giovanni da San Giovanni
Giovanni da Udine (Giovan
Giovanni dal Ponte (Giova
Girardot, Louis-Auguste
Giraud, Pierre-Francois E
Girolamo Imperiali
Girtin, Thomas
Giuntotardi, Filippo
Glackens, William James
Glauber, Johannes (Polido
Gleichen-Russwurm, Heinri
Glover, John
Goeneutte, Norbert
Gogh, Vincent Van
Goldberg, Annette
Golder, Carla E.
Goldstein, Daniel Joshua
Gole, Jacob
Goltzius, Hendrik
Goltzius, Jacob I
Goncourt, Jules De
Gonzalez, Michael
Goodall, Edward
Gorguet, August Francois
Gossaert, Jan
Gouax, R. le
Goudt, Hendrik
Goulandris Master
Goupil et Cie.
Goya y Lucientes, Franci
Goyen, Jan Josephsz. van
Goyo, Hashiguchi
Graadt van Roggen, Johann
Grafström, Jonas Olof
Grandville (Jean Ignace
Grano, Antonio
Grant, Gordon Hope
Grasser, Erasmus
Gravelot, Henri (Hubert-F
Gray, Percy
Gray, W. Vallance
Green, Henry Towneley
Green, Valentine
Greene, John Beasley
Greuter, Johann Friedrich
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste
Grimaldi, Giovanni Franc
Gris, Juan
Groiseilliez, Marcelin de
Groll, Albert Lorey
Gropper, William
Gross, Anthony
Gross, Juliet White
Grossman, Rudolph
Guarana, Jacopo
Guardi, Francesco
Guardi, Giacomo
Gucht, Gerard van der
Gucht, Michael van der
Guillaumet, Gustave Achil
Guillaumin, Jean Baptiste
Guindrand, Antoine
Guirand de Scévola, Lucie
Gurney, Jeremiah
Guys, Constantin
Guérard, Henri-Charles
Guérin, Jean-Urbain
Gwaytihl, Charles
Gérard, Baron François-Pa
Géricault, Jean Louis And
Gérôme, Jean-Léon
Haberle, John
Hackaert, Jan
Haden, Francis Seymour
Haghe, Louis
Hahn, William
Haid, Johann Jacob
Haig, Axel Herman
Haimon Painter
Haley, John Charles
Halicka, Alice
Hall, Oliver
Halm, Peter
Hals, Dirk
Hals, Frans
Halsey, Brian
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Hamilton, Hugh Douglas
Hamilton, Richard
Hamilton, William
Hamman, Edouard Jean
Hammersmith, Paul
Hanfstaengl, Franz Seraph
Hankey, William Lee
Hanks, Pat
Hannong, Joseph
Hanong, Johann
Hansen, Carl Armin
Hansen, Herman Wendelborg
Hanson, Ed
Hanzan, Matsukawa
Harada, Taneyuki Dan
Harding, James Duffield
Hardy, Pat
Harker, Katharine Van Dyk
Harlow, Louis Kinney
Harnett, William Michael
Harpignies, Henri-Joseph
Harrington, Joseph
Harrison, Birge
Harshberger, Mac
Hart, George Overbury (Po
Hartgring, W.P.
Hartley, Marsden
Hartmann, Cliché
Haseltine, William Stanle
Haskell, Ernest
Hasler, Bernhard
Hassam, Childe
Hastings, Captain Thomas
Hasui, Kawase
Hatcher, Keith
Hautecur, Jules
Havell, I.
Havell, Robert II
Hawley, Hughson
Hayman, Laure
Hayter, George
Head, B.G.
Heade, Martin Johnson
Healey, A.J.
Healy, George Peter Alexa
Heaphy, Thomas
Heath, Carl H.
Heath, William
Hebert, Antoine Auguste E
Hebert, Jules
Hebert, William
Heda, Gerrit Willemsz
Heemskerck, Maerten van
Heisey Company
Held, John Jr.
Helleu, Paul César
Hennel, Robert
Hennessy, William John
Henri, Robert
Herkomer, Herman G.
Herkomer, Hubert von
Hermann-Paul, René-George
Herrera, Francisco (el Mo
Hervier, Louis-Adolphe
Heseltine, John Postle
Hibi, Hisako
Hibi, Matsusaburo
Hicks, Edward
Higgins, Victor
Highmore, Joseph
Hildebrant or Hillebrand,
Hill, David Octavius
Hill, Ed
Hill, John Henry
Hill, John William
Hill, Thomas
Hill, Vernon
Hiremy-Hirschl, Adolf
Hiroshige II
Hiroshige III
Hirsch, Alphonse
Hobart, Clark
Hoen, Nishiyama
Hofer, Karl
Hoffy, Alfred M.
Hogarth, William
Hoger, Joseph
Hokusai, Katsushika
Hollar, Wenceslaus
Holleben, Elisabeth von
Holroyd, Sir Charles
Homer, Winslow
Hondecoeter, Melchior d'
Hondius, Hendrik I
Hooch, Pieter de
Hook, James Clarke
Hooke, Robert
Hopfer, Daniel
Hopfer, Lambert
Hoppner, John
Hopson, William Fowler
Houbraken, Jacobus
Houdon, Jean-Antoine
Houston, George
Houston, Richard
Hovenden, Thomas
Howard, John Langley
Howarth, Albany E.
Hu, Sandria Ann
Huet, Christophe
Huet, Jean Baptiste
Huet, Paul
Huet, Rene Ernest
Huge, Jurgan Frederick
Hugo, Victor
Hugon, Jean-Baptiste
Hunt, Calvin
Hunt, Tony
Hunt, William Henry
Hunt, William Morris
Huot, D.
Husain, M. S.
Huygens, Constantijn II
Hyde, Helen
Hözel, Blas
Ide, John Jay
Inchbold, John William
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Domi
Inman, Henry
Inness, George
Isabey, Eugène
Israëls, Jozef
J. M.Kronheim & Co.
Jackson, Jeanne
Jackson, John Baptist
Jackson, Oliver
Jackson, William Henry
Jacob, Cyprien-Max
Jacob, John
Jacoby, Ludwig
Jacque, Charles-Émile
Jacquemart, Jules Ferdina
Jakovlev, Alexandre
James Notman Studio
Jarvis, John Wesley
Jawlensky, Alexej von
Jeannin, Georges
Jegher, Christoffel
Jensen, Leo
Jimenez Y Aranda, José
Jingdzhen (Ching-te Chen)
Joanes, Vincente
Jode II, Pieter de
Jode, Arnold de
John, Augustus Edwin
Johnson, Chris
Johnson, Eastman
Johnson, Joshua
Joly, Alexis-Victor
Jones, John Paul
Jongkind, Johan Barthold
Jordaens, Jacob
Jouas, Charles
Jouvenet, Jean-Baptiste
Jump, Edward
Jurne, Ria
Justh, Quirot & Co.
Juvarra, Filippo
Kadmos Painter
Kaelin, Charles Salis
Kasamatsu, Shiro
Kashiwagi, Sumiko
Kasimir, Luigi
Kasten, Karl
Kauffman, Angelica Cathar
Kauffmann, Herman
Kaumann, Hanx Ludwig Erne
Kay, John
Kazan, Ishikawa
Keane, William
Keely, Pat
Keene, Charles Samuel
Keigaku, Harada
Keil, Bernhard
Keith, William
Kels, Hans (the Younger)
Kendall, William Sergeant
Kensett, John Frederick
Kent, Rockwell
Key, John Ross
Kimbei, Kusakabe
King, H.N.
Kioto, Shashin-Kwan
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig
Kirchner, Eugen
Kirkall, Elisha
Kiyochika, Kobayashi
Kiyoshige, Torii
Klee, Paul
Klein, Johann Adam
Klein, Pat
Kline, Franz
Klinger, Max
Klotz, Valentijn
Knapp, Henry R.
Knox, Archibald
Kobell, Wilhelm von
Kolbe, Carl-Wilhelm (the
Komjaty, Julius
Kooning, Elaine de
Kozloff, Joyce
Kraus, Johan Ulrich
Kraussin, Johanna Sibilla
Kuhn, Walt
Kumyiski, Utagawa
Kunath, Oscar
Kunichika, Toyohara
Kunimasa, Utagawa
Kuninao, Utagawa
Kunisada II
Kuniyoshi, Utagawa
Kusell, Melchior
Kushner, Robert
Kwei, Kane
Kyosai (Gyosai)
Köllwitz, Kæthe
La Farge, John
La Fresnaye, Roger de
La Reine des Fees
La Tour, Georges de
La Tour, Maurice Quentin
Laar, Pieter van
Lacey, Edward Hill
Lachaise, Gaston
Lachner, Hans
LaFage, Raymond de
Lairesse, Gérard de
Lajoue, Jacques de
Lalanne, Maxime
Lalique, René
Lallemand, Jean-Baptiste
Lambdin, George Cochran
Lamson, J.H.
Lancret, Nicolas
Landerer, Ferdinand
Landseer, Edwin Henry
Lanoue, Felix-Hippolyte
Largillière, Nicolas de
Larionov, Ivan
Larmessin, Nicolas de
Lasansky, Leonardo da Iow
Lasinio, Giovanni Paolo
Lastman, Pieter
Latimer, Lorenzo Palmer
Lauber, Joseph
Laurence, Samuel
Laurent, Juan
Lauro, Giacomo
Lawrence, Andrew
Lawrence, Thomas
Lawson, Ernest
Lawson, Robert
Lazzell, Blanche
Le Bas, Jacques Philippe
le Bourguignon (Jacques C
Le Brun, Charles
Le Clerc, Jacques Sébasti
Le Guay, Charles-Etienne
Le Nain, Louis
Le Pautre, Jean Le Pautre
Le Pla, P. F.
Le Prince, Jean-Baptiste
Le Sidaner, Henri-Eugène
Le Sueur, Eustache
Leagros Group
Lear, Edward
Lebasque, Henri
Lebrun, Rico
Lecce 727
Lecouteux, Lionel
Lederer, Fritz
Lederer, Hugo
Lee, Joseph
Lee, Li Lin
Lefebre, Valentin
Legrand, Louis Auguste Ma
Legros, Alphonse
Legros, Pierre II
Leheutre, Gustave
Leigh, William Robinson
Leighton, Frederic, baron
Leistikow, Walter
Lemonnier, Anicet-Charles
Lenthall, H.
Leoni, Ippolito
Leoni, Ottavio
Lepic, Ludovic-Napoléon
Lepère, Auguste Louis
Lewis, Allen
Lewis, Frederick
Lewis, Frederick Christia
Lewis, John Frederick
Leyden, Lucas van
Lhermitte, Léon Augustin
Lidel, Jac. Balthasar
Liebermann, Max
Lievens, Jan
Lievrat, Leon-Henri
Linda, Rose
Linnell, William
Linson, Corwin Knapp
Linton, William James
Lione, Andrea di
Liotard, Jean Étienne
Lipton, Seymour
Lissitzky, El
Litten, Sidney Mackenzie
Loarca, Carlos
Locke, Charles Wheeler
Locke, W. R.
Loewy and Puiseux
Loir, Luigi
Loli, Lorenzo
Lombart, Pierre
Londerseel, Jan van
London Stereoscopic and P
Londonio, Francesco
Longhi, Pietro (Pietro Fa
Longton Hall Factory
Lopez Loza, Luis
Lopez, Barry
Lopez, Judith
Loppé, Gabriel
Lorch, Melchior
Lorenzi, Lorenzo
Lorenzo di Niccolò di Mar
Lorrain, Claude
Loth, Johann Carl (Carlot
Lotto, Lorenzo
Lotz, Matilda
Lound, Thomas
Love, C.W.
Low, David
Lowell, Orson
Lowestoft Factory
Lozowick, Louis
Luca di Tommè
Lucas, David
Lucchese, Michaeli Grechi
Luce, Maximilien
Luks, George Benjamin
Lum, Bertha
Lund, Benjamin
Luti, Benedetto
Lutma, Jan (The Younger)
Luzzi da Todi (Luzio Roma
Léandre, Charles Lucien
Lépine, Stanislas
Macbeth, Robert Walker
Macbeth-Raeburn, H.
Mackenzie, J. Hamilton
MacLaughlin, Donald Shaw
MacLeod, Douglas W.
Macpherson, Robert
Macri, Giuseppe
Maggiotto, Domenico
Magnasco, Alessandro
Magrath, William
Major, Thomas
Makovsky, Konstantin
Malardot, Charles-André
Malevich, Kasimir Severin
Malteste, Louis
Manet, Édouard
Manglard, Adrien
Mangravite, Peppino
Mann, Helen
Mantegna, Andrea
Marak, Julius Eduard
Maratti, Carlo
Marca-Relli, Conrad
Marchetti, Marco (Marco d
Marcoussis, Louis Casimir
Maria, Francesco di
Marieschi, Michiel
Marinari, Onorio
Maris, Mathijs
Maris, Wlater de
Marret, Henri Justin
Marriott, Fred M.
Marriott, Frederick
Marshall, Mona
Martin, Caroline
Martin, Charles
Martin, Homer Dodge
Martin, John
Martinez, Maria
Martinez, Xavier
Martini, Pietro Antonio
Martorana, Gioacchimo
Martss, Jan (or Marssen)
Marty, Alfred
Marville, Charles
Masanobu (Kitao Masanobu)
Masanobu, Okumura
Masayoshi, Kitao
Mason, Frank H.
Massotti, E.
Master C. B.
Master F P
Master J. B. or I. B.
Master LD
Master of Kappenberg
Master of S. Lucchese
Master of the Coburg Roun
Master of the Lanckorónsk
Master of the Retable of
Master of the St. Lucy Le
Master S.L.N.
Matham, Jacob
Matheu, Cornelis
Mathews, Arthur Frank
Matteo di Giovanni
Maturino da Firenze
Mayall, John Jabez Edwin
Mayer & Pierson
Mayer, Henry
McCloskey, William J.
McDonald, A.J.
McLachlan, Thomas Hope
McLarty, Jack
McVicker, Jay J.
Mechel, Christian de
Megelen, Mme.
Meissen Porcelain Manufa
Meissonier, Jean Louis Er
Melchers, Gari
Meleager Painter
Melendez, Francisco Anton
Mellan, Claude
Menescardi, Giustino
Mengs, Anton Raphael
Mennecy Factory
Menpes, Mortimer L.
Menzel, Adolf Friedrich E
Mercati, Giovanni Battis
Merian, Matthaus (le vieu
Meryon, Charles
Meseck, Felix
Metcalf, Willard Leroy
Metsu, Gabriel
Metz, Conrad Martin
Meulen, Adam Frans van de
Meunier, Constantin Emile
Meyer, Georg Friedrich
Meyer, Johann Georg
Meyerinch, Albert
Meyssens, Joannes
Meza, Guillermo
Michalek, Ludwig
Michelin, Jules
Michels, Vera
Michigan Painter, Hague C
Mielatz, Charles Frederic
Mieris, Frans van (the El
Miger, Simon Charles
Mignard, Nicholas
Mignot, Louis Remy
Mihr Chand
Mildner, J.J.
Miller, John
Miller, Lilian
Miller, Samuel
Miller, William
Miller, William Rickarby
Millet, Jean-François
Ming-Dao, Deng
Mintz, Raymond
Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria
Miyashita, Tokio
Modigliani, Amedeo
Moeller, Louis
Mohammed Ali
Moitte, Alexandre
Moitte, Jean Guillaume
Mola, Pier Francesco
Molins, Pompeo
Molyn, Pieter I (the Elde
Momper, Joos de, the youn
Monet, Claude
Monnier, Henry Bonaventur
Monnier, John
Monogramist B
Monogrammist G.C.
Monogrammist XR
Monogrammist Y.H.S.
Monro, Henry
Montcornet, B.
Montefiore, Edward Levy
Monticelli, Adolphe Josep
Moore, Henry
Mora, Jose Maria
Moran, Mary Nimmo
Moran, Thomas
Moreau, Jean Michel 'Le J
Moreau, Louis-Gabriel, Th
Moreau, Pierre Louis
Morel-Retz, Louis Pierre
Morgan, Lou Kohl
Morghen, Rafaello
Morin, Edmond
Morin, Jean
Morina, Giulio
Morisot, Berthe
Morland, George
Moro, Battista Angolo del
Moroni, Giovanni Battista
Moronobu, Hishikawa
Morse, Henry D.
Morton, John Ludlow
Moses, Anna Mary Robertso
Moses, Ed
Motte, Charles Etienne Pi
Mount, William Sidney
Moyreau, Jean
Mucha, Alphonse Marie
Mueller, William James
Muller, Jan Harmenz (Joha
Multiple Artists
Munch, Maximilian
Murdoch, John
Muro, Fernandez Antonio
Murphy, Hermann Dudley
Murphy, J. Francis
Murray, Charles Oliver
Musi, Agostino (Agostino
Muybridge, Eadweard
Muzanne, Suzanne
Myers, John H.
Ménard, Marie Auguste Emi
Mérida, Carlos
Möller the Elder, Anton
Müller, Otto
Nadar, Paul (Paul Tournac
Nageoires, Jean des (Jan
Nahl, Charles Christian
Nahl, Perham W.
Nain, Antoine Le
Naldini, Giovanni Battist
Nankivell, Frank A.
Nanrei, Suzuki
Nanteuil, Célestin Franço
Nanteuil, Robert
Naranjo, Flora
Nash, Bob
Nash, Frederick
Nash, Joseph
Nason, Thomas Willoughby
Nast, Thomas
Natoire, Charles Joseph
Nattier, Jean-Marc
Navlet, Joseph
Neagle, John
Neeffs, Jacobus
Nelson, Bruce
Neumont, Maurice-Louis-He
Newell, Peter
Neyts, Gillis
Nibbs, Richard Henry
Nicholson, Francis
Nicholson, William
Nicolle, Victor-Jean
Nicolson, John
Nieto, Rodolfo
Nilson, Johannes Esaias
Nini, Giovanni Battista
Noort, Lambert van
Northcote, Thomas James
Norton, Christopher
Numa, Blanc
Numa, Pierre
Nymphenburg Porcelain Man
O'Sullivan, Timothy H.
Odisio, K.J.
Olagnon, Pierre-Victor
Oldenburg, Claes
Oldmixon, Captain W.
Oliveira, Nathan
Ollivier, Michel-Barthéle
Onofrio, Crescenzio
Orchard Painter
Orio, Ambrogio
Orr, Louis
Orsi, Lelio (Lelio da Nov
Osborne, Malcolm
Osgood, B.F.
Osona, Rodrigo de (the El
Ostade, Adriaen van
Otis, George Demont
Ottin, Auguste-Louis-Mari
Oudry, Jean-Baptiste
Ozanne, Pierre
Pacher, Friedrich
Packard, Emmy Lou
Page, William
Pages, Jules Eugene
Paget-Fredericks, Joseph
Paggi, Giovanni Battista
Painter of Athens
Painter of London E777
Painter of the Louvre G50
Painter of Wurtzburg
Palacios, Alirio
Palacios, Louisa
Palissy, Bernard
Palma Il Giovane
Palmer, Frances Flora Bon
Palmer, Samuel
Palmieri, Pietro (the Eld
Pan Painter
Panatenaica Painter (Cast
Park, David
Park, Thomas
Parker, Agnes Miller
Parrocel, Charles
Parrocel, Joseph François
Parsons, Charles R.
Partridge, Roi
Pascin, Jules
Pasinello, Lorenzo
Pasqualini, Giovanni Batt
Passari, Bernardinus
Passe, Crispijn de (the E
Passe, Simon de
Passeri, Giuseppe
Pater, Jean-Baptiste Jose
Patigian, Haig
Patterson, Margaret Jorda
Paul, John Dean
Peale, Charles Willson
Peale, James
Peale, Raphaelle
Peale, Rembrandt
Pearsall, Richard Montagu
Pedro, Francesco
Pelenc, Simeon
Pellegrini, Carlo (Ape)
Pellegrini, Giovanni Anto
Pelton, Agnes
Pencz, Georg
Penfield, Edward
Pennell, Joseph
Perelle, Nicolas
Perino del Vaga
Perkins, Granville
Perraccini, Giuseppe (Il
Perry, Ralph Barton, Jr.
Pescheret, Leon R.
Peters, Charles Rollo
Petersen, Martin
Petersen, Roland
Petersen, Will
Pether, William
Petit, Nicolas
Petit-Radel, Louis Franço
Petitjean, Hippolyte
Peto, John Frederick
Petrignani, G.
Phillips, Jay
Pholos Group
Piamontini, Giuseppe
Pian, Antonio de
Piazzetta, Giovanni Batti
Piazzoni, Gottardo F.P.
Picart, Bernard
Pickens, T.
Pietro da Cortona (Pietro
Pietro da Pietri
Pils, Isidore Alexandre A
Pinelli, Bartolomeo
Pintz, Johann Georg
Piola, Domenico
Pippin, Horace
Piranesi, Francesco
Piranesi, Giovanni Batt
Pissarro, Camille
Pitteri, Giovanni Marco
Pittoni, Giovanni Battist
Platt, Sydney
Po, Giacomo del
Poccetti, Bernardino
Podestà , Giovanni Andrea
Polanzani, Francesco (Fel
Polk, Charles Peale
Pollak, Max
Polos Painter
Pomodoro, Arnaldo
Ponce de Leon, Michael
Ponti, Carlo
Pontormo, Jacopo
Poole, Horatio Nelson
Pope, Alexander
Porporati, Carlo Antonio
Potemont, Adolphe Théodor
Potter, Paulus
Potthast, Edward Henry
Pougens, Marie-Charles-Jo
Pourbus, Frans (the Young
Poussin, Nicolas
Pranishnikoff, Ivan
Prendergast, Maurice Braz
Prentice, Elena Coon
Prestel, Marie Catherine
Preti, Mattia
Price, Garrett
Price, Kenneth
Prieur, Barthe'le'my
Prior, Thomas Ariel
Prior, William Matthew
Procaccini, Camillo
Prochazka, Olga
Prout, Samuel
Prud'hon, Pierre-Paul
Pruna, Pedro
Pseudo-Gherardi, The
Pugin, Peter Paul
Pye, John II
Pyle, Howard
Pynacker, Adam
Pynaker, Adriaen
Pyne, James Baker
Quast, Pieter Jansz
Quidor, John
Quinet, Achille
Quintanilla, Luis
Racine, Jean Baptiste
Raeburn, Henry
Raffaellino del Garbo
Raffet, Denis-Auguste-Mar
Raimondi, Marcantonio
Rainer, Arnulf
Ramberg, J.H.
Raphael, Joseph
Rateau, Armand-Albert
Ravenna, Severo di
Ravillious, Eric
Realier-Dumas, Maurice
Redmond, Granville
Redon, Odilon
Redouté, Pierre Joseph
Reeve, Agnes
Reichert, Madeleine
Reid, Bertha
Reid, Robert
Reinagle, Hugh
Reinhart, Charles Stanley
Rejlander, Oscar Gustave
Rembrandt Harmensz van
Renesse, Constantijn Dani
Reni, Guido
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Renouard, Charles-Paul
Retiro, Buon
Retzsch, Friedrich Moritz
Reutern, Gerhardt Wilhelm
Revere, Paul Jr.
Reynolds, Joshua
Rhead, Louis John
Ribera, Jusepe de
Ribot, Théodule Augustin
Ricci, Marco
Richardson, George
Richardson, Jonathan
Richardson, Mary Curtis
Richardt, Joachim Ferdina
Richmond, George
Riesener, Louis-Antoine-L
Rigaud, Hyacinthe
Rimmer, William
Rios, Ricardo de los
Riviere, Theodore
Rix, Julian
Robert, (Hubert) Marius
Robert, Hubert
Robert, Paul Ponce Antoin
Roberts, David
Robetta, Cristofano
Robson, George Fennel
Roche, Pierre
Rochefoucauld, Elisabeth
Rockwood and Company, New
Roda, Juan Antonio
Rodin, Auguste
Roeder, Emy
Roghman, Geertruyd
Roghman, Roelant
Rohlfs, Christian
Romanelli, Giovanni Franc
Romanino, Girolamo (Girol
Romano, Giulio (Giulio Pi
Romano, Umberto
Romney, George
Rooke, Thomas Mathew
Rops, Félicien Joseph Vic
Roqueplan, Camiile
Rosa, Salvator
Rosales, Emanuel O.
Rosaspina, Francesco
Roseland, Harry
Roselli, Matteo
Rosenberg, Louis Conrad
Rosenburg den Haag Factor
Rosenthal, Toby E.
Roslin, Alexandre
Rossi, Christofano
Rossi, Giovanni Jacopo (G
Rossini, Luigi
Rota, Martino
Rotari, Pietro
Rotch, Benjamin S.
Roty, Louis Oscar
Rousseau, Henri (le Douan
Rousseau, Theodore
Roussel, Théodore
Rovere, Giovanni Battista
Rowlandson, Thomas
Royal Copenhagen Factory
Royds, Mabel A.
Rozenburg den Haag Factor
Rubens, Peter Paul
Rubio, Bartolomeu
Ruellan, Andree
Ruischer, Johannes
Ruisdael, Jacob van
Runciman, Alexander
Ruskin, John
Russell, John
Ruysdael, Salomon van
Ryder, Albert Pinkham
Ryder, Worth
Ryland, William Wynne
Ryley, Charles Reuben
Rysbraeck, Peter A.
Rysselberghe, Theo Van
Ryusui, Katsuma
Régamey, Félix Elie
Sabatini, Andrea (Andrea
Sablet, Jacques Henri
Sabouroff Painter
Sacchi, Andrea
Sacchi, Carlo Antonio
Sackey, E. K.
Sadanobu I, Hasegawa
Saddler, John
Sadeler, Aegidius or Gill
Sadeler, Raphaël I
Saenredam, Pieter Jansz.
Saftleven, D.
Saint-Aubin, Augustin de
Saint-Aubin, Gabriel Jacq
Saint-Aubin, Marie Franco
Salimbeni, Ventura
Salmon, Robert
Salviati, Francesco
Sandby, Paul
Sandby, Thomas
Sandona, Matteo
Santafede, Fabrizio
Santi di Tito
Santini, Giuseppe
Sarazin de Belmont, Louis
Sargent, John Singer
Sarony, Napoleon
Sarony, Oliver Francois X
Sarpaneva, Timo
Saunders, W.
Savery, Jacob I
Savery, Roelant
Scacciati, Andrea Le Jeun
Scarsellino (Ippolito Sca
Schall, Jean Frédéric
Schallhas, Carl Philipp
Schary, Harry A.
Schedone, Bartolomeo
Schellink, J.
Schenck, Petrus
Schiaminossi, Raffaello
Schiavone, Andrea (Andrea
Schiavonetti, Luigi
Schlotterbeck, C. J.
Schlüter, Andreas
Schmidt, Charles
Schnakenberg, Henry
Schnepf, Bob
Schoen, Erhard
Schoenleber, Gustav
Schofield, Walter Elmer
Schongauer, Martin
Schouten, Gerrit
Schreyer, Adolphe
Schut, Cornellis
Schwarz, Christoph
Schwind, Moritz von
Schäufelein, Hans Leonhar
Schönfeld, Johann Heinric
Scolari, Giuseppe
Scultori, Adamo (Mantovan
Scultori, Diana (Mantovan
Scultori, Giovanni Battis
Seago, Edward Brian
Seem, Olga
Segantini, Giovanni
Seisenegger, Jacob
Sekien, Gashu
Selb, Joseph
Sellaio, Jacopo del
Sesto, Cesare da (Il Mila
Seurat, Georges
Seve, Marquis de
Shannon, Charles Haslewoo
Sharaku, Toshusai
Sharples, James
Shaw, Joshua
Sheeler, Charles
Shepperson, Claude Allin
Sherborn, Charles William
Shields, James Frederick
Shigeharu, Ryusai
Shigenobu, Kitakasa
Shinn, Everett
Short, Frank
Shrimpton, Ada Matilda
Shucho, Tamagawa
Shumman, Kubo
Shun'ei, Katsukawa
Shuncho, Yushido
Shunko, Katsukawa
Shunsho, Katsukawa
Shuntei, Katsukawa
Shunzan, Katsukawa
Shure, Brian
Shuzan, Yoshimura
Sieger, Viktor
Siegriest, Louis B.
Siena, Giovanni da
Signac, Paul
Silva, Ramon Medina
Silver, Lauren
Silvestre, Israel
Silvestro dei Gherarducci
Simon, Franz T.
Simon, Jacques Roger
Simon, Lucien J.
Simone, Scipione
Simonet, Jean Baptiste
Simonini, Francesco
Sirani, Elisabetta
Sirani, Giovanni Andrea
Sisley, Alfred
Skippe, John
Slevogt, Max
Slingelandt, Pieter van
Smibert, John
Smith, André J.
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, Charles William
Smith, Henry Pember
Smith, Isabella Lorraine
Smith, John
Smith-Harrison, David
Snelgrove, Walter
Snow and Roos
Snyder and Black, New Yor
Snyder, W.P.
Solari, Tommaso
Solimena, Francesco
Solis, Virgil
Sommer, Giorgio
Sommier, Francois Clement
Sorine, Savely Abramswitc
Sorolla y Bastida, JoaquÃ
Soudbinine, Seraphin
Soudeikine, Sergei
Southworth, Albert Sands
Soutman, Pieter Claesz
Soyer, Raphael
Spadaro, Micco (Domenico
Sparks, Will
Speckle, Veit Rudolph
Speicher, Eugene
Spencer, Robert
Spreckels Painter, Niobid
Springer, Cornelis
St. Cloud Porcelain Manuf
St. Lambert, Val
Stackpole, Ralph
Stadler, Joseph Constanti
Staeger, Ferdinand
Stael, Nicolas de
Stanfield, William Clarks
Stanley, John Mix
Stannard, Joseph
Stanton, Ino
Stanzione, Massimo
Stauffacher, Jack
Steen, Franciscus van der
Steen, Jan
Stefano, Giovanni di (Gio
Stein, Sarah Samuels
Steinlen, Théophile Alexa
Steir, Pat
Stella, Jacques
Sterken, R.
Sterl, Robert Herman
Stern, Ernst
Stettheimer, Florine
Stock, Andreas Jacobsz
Stock, Henry John
Stoll, John
Stomer, Matthias
Stoop, Dirk
Story, Ina Perham
Strada, Vespasiano
Strang, William
Streatfield, Robert
Stringa, Francesco
Strixner, Johann Nepomick
Strozzi, Bernardo
Strutt, Joseph
Stuart, Gilbert
Stuart, John
Stuart, Michelle
Stubbs, George Townley
Stuck, Franz von
Suavius, Lambert
Subleyras, Pierre
Sugimura Jihei
Sullivan, Luke
Sully, Thomas
Sutcliffe, Frank
Suzuki Harunobu
Svarupa Rama
Swanenburg, Willem Isaaks
Swanevelt, Herman van
Swansea Factory
Sweerts, Michael
Szyszlo, Fernando de
Sèvres Porcelain Manufac
Sébah, J. Pascal
Taber, Isaiah West
Tacca, Pietro
Taddeo di Bartolo
Tait, Arthur Fitzwilliam
Taju, Sheikh
Talbot, William Henry Fox
Tamkin, Marilyn
Tanner, Henry Ossawa
Tarbell, Edmund Charles
Tardieu, Ambroise
Tardieu, Nicolas-Henri
Taunay, Nicolas Antoine
Tebbs, Belinda Sarah
Tempesta, Antonio
Teniers, David (the Young
Testa, Giovanni Cesare
Testa, Pietro ( il Lucch
Thayer, Abbott Handerson
Thayer, Kelloggs
Thelot, Jacob Gottlieb
Thevenin, Charles
Thiel, Johannes
Thoma, Hans
Thompson, Jerome B.
Thon, E.
Thurlow, James Thomas
Tiarini, Alessandro
Tibaldi, Domenico
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battist
Tiepolo, Giovanni Domeni
Tiffany & Company
Tiffany, Louis Comfort
Tilborgh, Egidius van (th
Tintoretto, Jacopo
Tischbein, Johann Heinric
Tischler, Victor
Tissandier, Albert
Tissot, James
Todhunter, Francis
Tokei, Niwa
Tokuhara, T.
Toorop, Jan
Torne, Jose
Torond, F.
Torri, Flaminio
Toshikata, Mizuno
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri
Tournachon, Adrien
Tourtin, Emile
Toussaint, Charles Henri
Toyoharu, Utagawa
Toyohisa, Utagawa
Toyonobu, Ishikawa
Traversi, Gaspare
Trento, Antonio da
Tripp, M.K.
Trometta, Niccolo (Niccol
Troostwyk, Wouter Joannes
Trotti, Giovanni Battista
Troubetskoy, Paul
Trumbull, Edward
Trumbull, John
Turchi, Alessandro (Orbet
Turner, Charles Yardley
Turner, Joseph Mallord W
Turner, Julius C.
Turreau, Jean- Bernard-Ho
Tyler, George Washington
Tyler, W. B.
Tymbos Painter
Tzara, Tristan
Täuber-Arp, Sophie Henrie
Ubbelohde, Otto
Ubelesqui, Alexandre
Uggeri, Angelo
Ugo da Carpi
Ugolino di Nerio
Uhl, Joseph
Ulft, Jacob van der
Ulrich, Charles Frederic
Utagawa School
Utamaro, Kitagawa
Utrecht, Adriaen van
Uwins, Thomas
Vaccaro, Andrea
Vacquerie, Auguste
Vadder, Lodowijck de
Vaillant, Wallerant
Valadon, Suzanne
Valckert, Werner Jacobsz
Valenciennes, Pierre Henr
Valentine, James
Vallayer-Coster, Anne
Valledor, Leo
Vallotton, Félix Edouard
van Brussel, Hermanus
van der Heyden, Jan
Van der Poorten, Hendrix
Van Dyke, Willard
Van Horn, Lucretia
van Hulsdonck, Jacob
van Kessel, Jan
van Londerseel, Assuerus
van Rossum, J.M.
Van Sloun, Frank J.
Van Staveren, Leo
van Vast, J.H.
Vanderlyn, John
Vanloo, Carle
Vanni, Francesco
Vanni, Giovanni Battista
Vaquero, Joaquin
Vargas, Luis de
Varley, Cornelius
Varley, John
Varotari, Dario (the Youn
Vasari, Giorgio
Vasi, Giuseppe
Vedder, Elihu
Veit, Philipp
Velde, Adriaen van de
Velde, Jan II van de
Vellert, Dirk
Vendramini, Giovanni
Venturini, Giovanni Franc
Verdier, François
Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz.
Vernet, Carle
Vernet, Claude-Joseph
Veronese, Bonifacio (Boni
Verspronck, Johannes Corn
Veyrassat, Jacques Jules
Vicentino, Niccolò (Nicco
Vico, Enea
Vienna Factory
Vignon, Claude
Vigée-LeBrun, Elisabeth L
Villamena, Francesco
Vincennes Porcelain Manuf
Vincent Brooks Day & Son
Vincent, François André
Vinkeles, Reinier
Visentini, Antonio
Visscher, Claes Jansz (th
Visscher, Cornelis de
Vittoria, Alessandro
Vivares, Francois
Vivarini, Bartolommeo
Vivian, George
Viviani, Antonio
Vlieger, Simon de
Voania, Muba
Volaire, Pierre-Jacques
Volkmann, Hans Richard Vo
Volpato, Giovanni
Voltz, Friedrich
von Dillis, Johann Georg
von Holst, Theodore Mathi
von Steinle, Edward
Vorsterman the Elder, Luc
Vorsterman, Lucas (the El
Vos, Maarten de
Vouet, Simon
Vredaparis, Frieda Paris
Vuillard, Édouard
Vulci Workshop
W.A. Mansell & Co.
Wachlmayr, Aloys (Aloys W
Wagner, Rob
Walcot, William
Walery, Stanislaw
Walker, Anthony
Walker, Sandy
Wallis, Robert
Walton, W. L.
Wang, Meng
Ward, James
Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy
Warlow, Herbert Gordon
Warren's Portraits, Bosto
Warren, William White
Washburn, Cadwallader
Watelet, Claude-Henri
Waterlo, Anthonie
Waters, R.C.
Watkins, Carleton E.
Watson, Charles John
Watteau, François Louis J
Watteau, Jean-Antoine
Watts, Simon
Watts, William Clothier
Waumans, Conrad
Way, Thomas Robert
Weber, Max
Webster, Herman Armour
Wedgwood Factory
Weiditz, Hans
Weir, Julian Alden
Weirotter, Franz Edmund
Welch, Thaddeus
Wenglein, Josef
Wenzell, Albert Beck
West, Benjamin
West, Raphael Lamar
West, William
Whistler, James Abbott M
White Sakkos Painter
White, Billy
White, Robert
Whittredge, Worthington
Wicar, Jean Baptiste Jose
Wienx, Jan
Wierix, Anton
Wierix, Hieoronymus
Wierix, Johan
Wiesener, J. F.
Wijnants, Jan
Wiles, Irving Ramsay
Wilke, David
Wilke, William Hancock
Wille, Pierre Alexandre
Willette, Leon Adolphe
Williams, Hugh William
Williams, Sheldon
Williams, Virgil
Willmore, James Tilbitts
Wilson, George Washington
Window & Grove
Winkler, Johann Christoph
Winkler, John William Jos
Wire, T. Melville
Wismes, Jean-Baptiste Her
Wm. Endicott & Company
Wolf, Henry
Wood, Enoch
Wood, John
Wood, Thomas Waterman
Woodbury, Charles Herbert
Woollet, William
Worcester Factory
Wores, Theodore
Wouters, Frans
Wright of Derby, Joseph
Wright, John Buckland
Wright, John Massey
Wu-Ki, Zao
Wujcik, Theo
Wyant, Alexander Helwig
Wyld, William
Wyngaerde, Frans van den
Yamaguchi, Gen
Yasuji, Inoue
Yañez/ Vilet Robledo
Yelland, Raymond Dabb
Yon, Edmond Charles Josep
Yoshiiku, Utagawa
Young, C. Jac
Yu, Pan Yu CHECK
Zanetti, Antonio Maria
Zanotti, Giampietro
Zeeman, Reinier
Zeissing, Walter
Zelotti, Giovanni Battist
Zenoni, Domenico (Zenoi)
Zeshin, Shibata
Ziegler, Henry
Zoboli, Jacopo
Zoell, Bob
Zompini, Gaetano
Zorach, Marguerite Thomps
Zorach, William
Zorn, Anders Leonard
Zuccarelli, Francesco
Zuccaro, Federico
Zuccaro, Taddeo
Zucchi, Andrea
Zucchi, Jacopo
Zuka, Allah of Dehli
Zylvelt, Adam
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Images by Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
James S. Baillie
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
James S. Baillie
Reading The Scriptures
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
James S. Baillie
Search The Scriptures
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
Ben Arthur (landscape)
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Dirk Volkertsz Coornhert
Man in a Fools Hood, Woman with Three Children Overturned by a Horse, pl.3 from a set of four Allegories of the Unbridled World
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
Vuurtoren, Friesland
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
Mooring Stone, Polperro Harbour
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Dirk Volkertsz Coornhert
A Tumbling Horse, pl.4 from a set of four Allegories of the Unbridled World
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Dirk Volkertsz Coornhert
Horse with a Globe upon his Back, with Charity, pl.2 from a set of four Allegories of the Unbridled World
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
The Stork and the Aqueduct
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Josef Paget-Fredericks
Prelude et mort d'Iseult: Isadora Duncan, 1927
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
On the Banks of Arun
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Boris Anisfeld
Le Roi de Lahore: Dancing Woman V
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Frank Short
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Claude Allin Shepperson
Threshers, eleventh plate from the portfolio Sketches Made on the Lithography Night 14 April 1905 by Member s of the Art Workers Guild, Clifford Inn Hall and Published for the Benefit of the Chest
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Nicolaes Pietersz Berchem
(Le Berger assise sur le fontain)
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Hendrik Goltzius
Titus Manlius (armed for battle)
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Abraham de Bruyn
One of eight scenes from the Bible
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Abraham de Bruyn
One of eight scenes from the Bible
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Abraham de Bruyn
One of eight scenes from the Bible
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Abraham de Bruyn
One of eight scenes from the Bible
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Abraham de Bruyn
One of eight scenes from the Bible
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Abraham de Bruyn
One of eight scenes from the Bible
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Abraham de Bruyn
One of eight scenes from the Bible
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Josef Israels
[Three children on a grassy sand dune]
Creation Date
19th - 20th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#19 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#15 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#18 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#14 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#24 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#23 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#8 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#12 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Albert Meyerinch
(#3 from) Set of twentyfour landscapes
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Cornellis Schut
The Madonna with Child
Creation Date
16th - 17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
One of four scenes of 1830 revolution in Brussels
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
One of four scenes of 1830 revolution in Brussels
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
One of four scenes of 1830 revolution in Brussels: Entrée de Lanciers et Cuirassiers par la porte de Louvain
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Dancker Danckerts
One of six landscapes:[Mules and cows in river]
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Renier Nooms (Zeeman)
Divers embarquements et autre (Plate #9)
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Renier Nooms (Zeeman)
Divers embarquements et autre (Plate #5)
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Renier Nooms (Zeeman)
Divers embarquements et autre (Plate #4)
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Adam Zylvelt
[One from] Set of four Marine and Harbour scenes: 1 In center man pointing towards figure of Neptune riding Dolphin, sailing vessels being loaded in background
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Adam Zylvelt
[One from] Set of four Marine and Harbour scenes: 1 In center man pointing towards figure of Neptune riding Dolphin, sailing vessels being loaded in background
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Adam Zylvelt
[One from] Set of four Marine and Harbour scenes: 1 In center man pointing towards figure of Neptune riding Dolphin, sailing vessels being loaded in background
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Petrus Schenck
Landxcape: Huc ipsi potum veniunt per prata juvenci . . . . Virgil 7;12
Creation Date
17th - 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Creator Name-CRT
Thomas Daniell
Nearly Opposite Hoogley, No. 40 from an unidentified sketchbook
Creation Date
circa 1784 - 1794
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco