Browse All : School Atlas by James Reynolds

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Covers: Reynolds Introduction to Natural Philosophy
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Covers: Reynolds Introd...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Reynolds created this work in response to the popular demand for information on science and engineering as a result of the Industrial Revolution. This collection consists of 33 loose pictorial plates, with a related text, dated 1849-1852. Drawn and engraved by John Emslie. Some plates are numbered: "Popular Diagrams" no. 25-35, accompanied by 24 pages of descriptive text. The collection is loosely bound as a sets in a green portfolio with a red paper label on the spine printed with title " Reynolds - Introduction to Natural Philosophy" in gilt.
Comparative view of the principal buildings in the world
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Comparative view of the...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved view. Showing famous landmarks and monuments from all over the world. Includes reference to the buildings name and heights, beneath the view.
Physical map of the British Isles and the surrounding seas
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Physical map of the Bri...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved map. The map depicts the physical geomorphology of Great Britain and Ireland, including the main upland regions, as well as the depths of the sea surrounding the British Isles, and tidal action. Relief shown by isolines. The small inset map at the bottom right shows the distribution of rainfall acros the British Isles, and beneath the main map there are two sections, taken south to north from Beach Head to Cape Wrath, and west to east from Dingle Bay (on the west coast of Ireland) to Yarmouth.
The principal varieties of mankind
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
The principal varieties...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved view. Showing facial portraits from different parts of the world, and demonstrating racial and regional differences. The portraits are grouped under the headings: Asiatics, Australians, Europeans, Polynesians, Africans and Americans, and illustrate European perceptions of people indigenous to each area.
Ethnographical map showing the distribution of the human race
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Ethnographical map show...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved map of the world. Shows the population density around the world along with the ethnographic racial groups recognized at the time. Inset map also shows the global distribution of the world's various religions, and inset illustrating the skull forms of different races. Includes statistical tables and notes.
Zoological map showing the distribution of animals over the world
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Zoological map showing ...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved 2 maps of the world on one sheet. Showing distribution of animals around the world, and the second shows the distribution of birds and reptiles. Includes notes.
Distribution of the currents of air and variable winds over the world
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Distribution of the cur...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved 2 maps of the world on one sheet. The first map shows the tide waves and the second the influence of the climate and environment on the species of plants which grow, represented by the colored lines. Includes notes.
Distribution of the currents of air and variable winds over the world
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Distribution of the cur...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved 2 maps of the world on one sheet. Showing the Currents of the Air, showing prevailing and variable winds around the world, and the Distribution of the Rain, illustrating global rainfall patterns. Includes explanations and notes.
Text Page: Waterfalls
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Text Page: Waterfalls
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved comparative view of the Principal Waterfalls in the World, arranged for comparison from Europe and Africa to Americas, with text on verso. The highest shown is "Cataract of Gavarny (Pyrenees)", and the lowest is the "Last cataract of the Nile". Includes list of waterfalls of the world and notes.
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved comparative view of the Principal Waterfalls in the World, arranged for comparison from Europe and Africa to Americas, with text on verso. The highest shown is "Cataract of Gavarny (Pyrenees)", and the lowest is the "Last cataract of the Nile". Includes list of waterfalls of the world and notes.
Panoramic plan of the principal rivers and lakes
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Panoramic plan of the p...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved view of the comparative length of the world's rivers and size of the lakes. include: Danube, Rhine, Nile, and Amazon, are placed side by side so as to demonstrate their comparative lengths and are surrounded by lakes including the Dead Sea, the Caspian Sea, and Geneva and Michigan lakes. Includes List of rivers and lakes.
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved view of the comparative heights of mountains and volcanoes from around the world. Includes list of mountains and volcanoes: Ben Nevis, Snowdon, Skiddaw and Cader Idris along with landmarks such as the Dover castle and Greenwich observatories. In Europe, several mountains from the Pyranees and Alps are shown as well as others from Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey and Rusia. Africa, North and South American Mountains, inlcuding the Andes are also shown. The volcanoes depicted include Mount Etna and Vesuvius and several from Quito.
Physical map of the World
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Physical map of the Wor...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows the physical features of the surface of earth, the distribution of mountain ranges, deserts and the seasonal range of the Earth's icecaps. In addition global ocean currents are shown along with air and sea temperatures around the world. Includes notes.
Geographical diagram of the earth : adapted for illustrating its movements &c.
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Geographical diagram of...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved map of 2 rotating discs each in 11.4 diameter, fixed to a card giving details of their use. Includes rotating hemispheres illustrate time zones in the world as relative to each other. Relief shown by hachures. Includes insets: The phenomena of day and night; Summer & winter, altitude of the sun in the latitude of London; Meridians of Longitude; Zones; Parallels of latitude. Includes notes.
Title Page/contents: Physical geography
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Title Page/contents: Ph...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved 12 plates of general world geographical phenomena, 28.5x23, Dated 1846-1851. Engraved by Jon Emslie, published by James Reynolds, loose in blue embossed portfolio titled "Geological diagrams" in gilt. Contents includes plate numbers 13-24 or (1-12). Maps provide geographical, geological, ethnological, zoological and climatological information. 1. Geographical Diagram of the Earth. 2. Physical Map of the world. 3. Mountains. 4. Panoramic Plan of the Principal Rivers and Lakes. 5. Waterfalls., with text on verso. 6. Distribution of The Currents of Air...Meteorological Map Showing The distribution of the Rain. 7. Tidal Chart of the World..Botanical Map Showing The Distribution of Plants. 8. Zoological Map Showing The distribution of Animals...The Distribution of Birds and Reptiles. 9. Ethnographical Map Showing the Distribution of the Human Race. 10. The Principal Varieties of Mankind. 11. Physical Map of The British Isles and the Surrounding Seas. 12. Comparative View of The Principal Buildings in the World.
Covers: Geological Diagrams
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Covers: Geological Diag...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored engraved 12 plates of general world geographical phenomena, 28.5x23, Dated 1846-1851. Engraved by Jon Emslie, published by James Reynolds, loose in blue embossed portfolio titled "Geological diagrams" in gilt. Contents includes plate numbers 13-24 or (1-12). Maps provide geographical, geological, ethnological, zoological and climatological information. 1. Geographical Diagram of the Earth. 2. Physical Map of the world. 3. Mountains. 4. Panoramic Plan of the Principal Rivers and Lakes. 5. Waterfalls., with text on verso. 6. Distribution of The Currents of Air...Meteorological Map Showing The distribution of the Rain. 7. Tidal Chart of the World..Botanical Map Showing The Distribution of Plants. 8. Zoological Map Showing The distribution of Animals...The Distribution of Birds and Reptiles. 9. Ethnographical Map Showing the Distribution of the Human Race. 10. The Principal Varieties of Mankind. 11. Physical Map of The British Isles and the Surrounding Seas. 12. Comparative View of The Principal Buildings in the World.
Composite text: Reynolds' outline of science and art. Geology
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Composite text: Reynold...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Outlines of geology with a notes to accompany a colored geological section of the earth's crust...
Geological map of Ireland
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Geological map of Irela...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand color engraved map. showing areas of rock formations in Ireland. Includes colour-coded reference identifying the geologic rock formation, and text. Date estimated. Chart is one of a series of 44 educational charts drawn and engraved by John Emslie. The first geological map of Britain, indeed of any country in the world, was published by William Smith (1769-1839) in 1815.
Geological map of Scotland
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Geological map of Scotl...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand color engraved map, showing areas of rock formations in Scotland. Includes colour-coded reference identifying the geologic rock formation, and note. Date estimated. Chart is one of a series of 44 educational charts drawn and engraved by John Emslie. The first geological map of Britain, indeed of any country in the world, was published by William Smith (1769-1839) in 1815.
Geological map of England
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Geological map of Engla...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand color engraved map. Dhowing colour-coded areas of rock formations in England. with note: "Primary series colored blue, Secondary series green, Tertiary series yellow". Includes reference identifying the geologic rock formation, text, and cross section. Chart is one of a series of 44 educational charts drawn and engraved by John Emslie. The first geological map of Britain, indeed of any country in the world, was published by William Smith (1769-1839) in 1815.
Geological map of the world
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Geological map of the w...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand color engraved map, shows the worldwide distribution of various rock types. Includes reference identifying: alluvium (sedimentary), igneous (primary, secondary & tertiary), metamorphic (changed) and volcanic.
Text Page: Table of Geological Strata
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Text Page: Table of Geo...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Table of geological Strata, showing the order of superposition and comparative thickness of the Stratified rocks.
Popular geology
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Popular geology
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored time table chart showing the geological section of the earth's crust. The map also has notes and diagrams illustrating fossil remains, rocks, and view of section of the London Basin - artesian wells.
The antediluvian world
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
The antediluvian world
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored view. Shows reconstructions of extinct creatures in their established epocs prior to the creation of man, identified by a reference beneath the illustration.
Phenomena of Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Phenomena of Volcanoes ...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Hand colored map of the world showing the distribution and names of all active volcanoes, identified by a reference beneath the illustration. Includes notes.
Diagram of Natural Phenomena
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Diagram of Natural Phen...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Geological diagram showing the principal causes of geological changes on the Earth's surface, identified by a reference beneath the illustration.
Text Page: Explanation on meteorological phenomena
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Text Page: Explanation ...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Colored diagram drawn and engraved by John Emslie, with explanatory card, this is an imaginative depiction of a land and sea displaying a wide range of atmospheric phenomena. This are numbered and listed at bottom panel and include wind, waterspouts, various cloud formations, precipitation, glaciers, aurora, rainbow, halo, mirage, mock suns, zodiacal light, lighting, falling stars and aerolites. On verso: text with explanations of The Atmosphere, Aerial Meteors, Aqueous Meteors, Luminous Meteors and Igneous Meteors.
Diagram of meteorology, displaying the various phenomena of the atmosphere
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Diagram of meteorology,...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Colored diagram drawn and engraved by John Emslie, with explanatory card, this is an imaginative depiction of a land and sea displaying a wide range of atmospheric phenomena. This are numbered and listed at bottom panel and include wind, waterspouts, various cloud formations, precipitation, glaciers, aurora, rainbow, halo, mirage, mock suns, zodiacal light, lighting, falling stars and aerolites. On verso: text with explanations of The Atmosphere, Aerial Meteors, Aqueous Meteors, Luminous Meteors and Igneous Meteors.
The earth and its atmosphere
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
The earth and its atmos...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
An astronomical diagram drawn and engraved by John Emslie showing a cros section of the Earth at the equator and the surrounding atmosphere. Various locations on the Earth's surface are identified, and the diagram illustrates how the phemonenon of refraction can be caused by the atmosphere. Includes explanation.
Principal eminences of the British Islands
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Principal eminences of ...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
Engraved color view by John Emslie illustrating Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell Pike, the highest mountains in Scotland, Wales and England respectively, as well as the heights of other significant locations in the British Isles. Includes notes: "The smaller figures denote the geological formations of the hills".
Covers: Geological Diagrams.
Reynolds, James; Emslie...
Covers: Geological Diag...
School Atlas
[Reynolds, James, Emslie, John]
12 plates 28.5x23, showing Geology and natural phenomena. Plates are dated 1946-1852. Art plates are hand colored, with vignettes. Plate 3 :"Diagram of meteorology" includes "Explanation on meteorological phenomena" on verso. Imprint from plates. Laid in the portfolio are two short books on geology published by Reynolds: "Reynolds' outline of science and art. Geology. 1858." in 20 pages, and "Geological notes by John Morris, F.G.S." in 8 folded pages. The set place in embossed red covers with the title in gilt.
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