Browse All : Images by Lotter, Tobias Conrad of World from 1762

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Index Page: Atlas Geographicus Portatilis, XXIX
Lotter, Tobias Conrad; ...
Index Page: Atlas Geogr...
World Atlas
[Lotter, Tobias Conrad, Lobeck, Tobias]
Full color and hand colored in outline map. Index page titled "Index Mapparum Geographicarum". Date is estimated. Miniature pocket atlas. Consists entirely of double-page engraved plates and hand-colored maps. This was also published with text, not present here. Engraved frontispiece and title page by Tobias Lobeck after G. Eichler, followed by maps that are dense with information. Bound in leather untitled covers, spine chipped.
Planisphaerium Globi Terrestis
Lotter, Tobias Conrad; ...
Planisphaerium Globi Te...
World Atlas
[Lotter, Tobias Conrad, Lobeck, Tobias]
Full color map. Date is estimated. Miniature pocket atlas. Consists entirely of double-page engraved plates and hand-colored maps. This was also published with text, not present here. Engraved frontispiece and title page by Tobias Lobeck after G. Eichler, followed by maps that are dense with information. Bound in leather untitled covers, spine chipped.
Title Page: Tobias Lobeck Atlas Geographicus Portatilis, XXIX
Lotter, Tobias Conrad; ...
Title Page: Tobias Lobe...
World Atlas
[Lotter, Tobias Conrad, Lobeck, Tobias]
Date is estimated. Miniature pocket atlas. Consists entirely of double-page engraved plates and hand-colored maps. This was also published with text, not present here. Engraved frontispiece and title page by Tobias Lobeck after G. Eichler, followed by maps that are dense with information. Bound in leather untitled covers, spine chipped.
Frontipieces: Tobias Lobeck Atlas Geographicus Portatilis, XXIX
Lotter, Tobias Conrad; ...
Frontipieces: Tobias Lo...
World Atlas
[Lotter, Tobias Conrad, Lobeck, Tobias]
Date is estimated. Miniature pocket atlas. Consists entirely of double-page engraved plates and hand-colored maps. This was also published with text, not present here. Engraved frontispiece and title page by Tobias Lobeck after G. Eichler, followed by maps that are dense with information. Bound in leather untitled covers, spine chipped.
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