Browse All : Images by Scheda, Josef and Bruckl, F. of Switzerland and Germany from 1856
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Scheda, Josef
Composite of all 20 sheets. By Joseph Scheda, Engineer of the Geographic Corps, Militarisch Geografischen Institute, Austria. Comprised of 20 sheets, each dissected into 6 sections. Incredible detail throughout the map. A triumph of Austrian/German engraving. The 20 sheets cover most of middle and southern Europe. With an index map titled "Ubersicht zur Zusammenstellung der Blaetter fur die General Karte des oesterreichischen Kaiserstaates." Scheda did a 25 sheet map of Europe. Scheda lived from 1815-1888 (Phillips) and did a Hand Atlas in 1879 with A. Steinhauser (Phillips 6201) which we gather was largely a Physical Atlas. Outline color. Map sheets fold each with a paste down label on the end sheet showing its corresponding portion of the map and roman numeral as shown in the index map. The sheets are then folded into a maroon cloth covered folding board and outer quarter leather maroon cloth slip case 26x21 with "General-Karte Der Oesterreichischen Monarchie von J. Scheda" and a decorative design with an illustration of a globe stamped in gilt on the spine.
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