Browse All : Atlas Map by Thomson, John of Mexico

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Spanish N. America.
Thomson, John
Spanish N. America.
World Atlas
Thomson, John
Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown by hachures. Shows drainage, state boundaries, Indian tribes, etc.
Mexico and Internal Provinces
Wyld, James, 1790-1836;...
Mexico and Internal Pro...
World Atlas
[Thomson, John, Wyld, James, 1790-1836]
Hand-colored outline map by administrative divisions. The atlas is the second edition and includes the extra map of the Arctic and two extra maps of Australia. The text adds a section on Voyages of Discovery. Two additional maps are laid in, one of South America, the other of Mexico. Each map has a small vignette illustrating a subject related to the map. Half leather paper-covered boards with label pasted on front printed with title. Prime meridian is London. Relief shown by hachures.
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