Browse All : Physical Atlas by W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

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Health, disease.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Health, disease.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Col. lithographed map with inset. Graphs: Consumption: proportion of deaths in the different quarters of the globe -- Rheumatism: proportion of attacks among the troops in the different quarters of the globe -- Comparative value of life in different countries -- Comparative value of life in cities and towns -- Proportionate mortality of European residents in foreign countries. "Phytology & zoology no. 12."
Religious belief.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Religious belief.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Col. lithographed map. Inset maps: Distribution of man in Europe according to language. Scale [ca. 1:17,000,000] -- Mission stations of India. Scale [ca. 1:20,500,000] -- Prevailing forms of religion in Europe. Scale [ca. 1:17,000,000] -- Mission stations of British Nth. America -- Missions stations of South Africa. Includes statistical charts of population by religion and school enrollment. "Phytology & zoology no. 11."
Ethnographic, Gt. Brit., Ireland.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Ethnographic, Gt. Brit....
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Kombst, Gustaf]
Col. lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows also ancient British tribes. Includes inset map of the Orkney and Shetland islands. "Phytology & zoology no. 10."
Ethnographic, Europe.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Ethnographic, Europe.
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Kombst, Gustaf]
Hand col. lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Names of ancient tribes in Gothic font. "Phytology & zoology no. 9."
Marine life.
Forbes, Edward, 1815-18...
Marine life.
Physical Atlas
[Forbes, Edward, 1815-1854, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Col. lithographed map. Includes map "Colonization of British Seas illustrated by Mollusca & Radiata," "Diagram illustrating generic centres," "Diagram of zones of depth," and graph "Comparative extent of regions of depth in the Aegean Sea." "Phytology & zoology no. 8."
Reptilia, Ophidia.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Reptilia, Ophidia.
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Schlegel, H. (Hermann), 1804-1884]
Hand col. lithographed map with 2 inset maps. Illustrations: Perpendicular distribution of the reptiles -- Types of the reptiles of the New World. Scale 1:20 -- Types of the reptiles of the Old World. Scale 1:20. Includes "Tabular view of the per-centage of the serpents in the zoological provinces. "Phytology & zoology no. 7."
Aves, Birds.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Aves, Birds.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Two hand col. lithographed maps on 1 sheet. Illustrations: Types of the birds of the New World -- Types of the birds of the Old World -- The perpendicular distribution of birds -- The perpendicular distribution of birds on the Alps. Chart: Tableau showing the geographical distribution in latitude of some of the European birds. "Phytology & zoology no. 6."
Rodentia, Ruminantia.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Rodentia, Ruminantia.
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Waterhouse, G. R. (George Robert), 1810-1888]
Two hand col. lithographed maps on 1 sheet. Includes illustrations of animals, "Perpendicular distribution of Rodentia & Ruminantia," and chart. "Phytology & zoology no. 5."
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithographed map, with inset map, table, chart and 3 illustrations: Perpendicular distribution of the Carnivora -- types of Carnivora of the New World -- Types of Carnivora of the Old World. "Phytology & zoology no. 4."
Zoological geography.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Zoological geography.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Two hand col. lithographed maps on 1 sheet. Inset maps: Geographical division & distribution of Marsupialia, pouched animals, over the globe -- Geographical division & distribution of Edentata, toothless animals -- Geographical division & distribution of Marsupialia, pouched animals, in Australia &c. Includes illustrations of numerous animals. "Phytology & zoology no. 3."
Distribution: vegetation.
Henfrey, Arthur, 1819-1...
Distribution: vegetatio...
Physical Atlas
[Henfrey, Arthur, 1819-1859, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Schouw, Joakim Frederik, 1789-1852]
Col. lithograph. Illustration of "The distribution of plants in a perpendicular direction ..." shows the Andes, Teneriffe, Himalaya, Alps & Pyrenees and Lapland. Inset charts: Regions of altitude corresponding to isothermal zones -- Graphical statistics of the most important families of plants. Includes drawings of plants and plant parts. "Phytology & zoology no. 2."
Distribution: plants.
Henfrey, Arthur, 1819-1...
Distribution: plants.
Physical Atlas
[Henfrey, Arthur, 1819-1859, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Col. lithographed map. Insets: Map of the distribution of the principal food plants, fruits & characteristic trees of Western & Central Europe -- Map of the distribution of the more important plants, yielding materials for beverages, spices, dyes, and other economical substances; and growing in the warmer regions of the globe -- Map of the distribution of tea & the principal spices grown in the East Indies -- Two sections from S. to N. in Western & Central Europe, showing the distribution of the principal food plants according to altitude -- Two sections showing approximatively the distribution of the most important economical plants according to altitude, Western Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere. "Phytology & zoology no. 1."
Terrestrial magnetism.
Sabine, Edward, Sir, 17...
Terrestrial magnetism.
Physical Atlas
Sabine, Edward, Sir, 1788-1883
Seven col. lithographed maps on 1 sheet. Contents: Lines of equal declination epoch 1840 -- Magnetic inclination epoch 1840 -- Magnetic declination epoch 1787 -- Magnetic inclination epoch 1780 -- Magnetic declination from 650 to 900 N. lat. as computed by Gauss's theory -- Isodynamic lines, epoch 1840 -- Magnetic inclination from 650 to 900 N. lat. as computed from Gauss's theory, lines of magnetic force from 650 to 900 N. lat. ...
Polarization atmosphere.
Brewster, David, Sir, 1...
Polarization atmosphere...
Physical Atlas
Brewster, David, Sir, 1781-1868
Col. lithographed map in 2 hemispheres. "Meteorology no. 5."
Hyetographic map Europe.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Hyetographic map Europe...
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Col. lithographed map. "Meteorology no. 4."
Hyetographic; rain map.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Hyetographic; rain map.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Col. lithographed map. Inset: Rain map of India. Scale [ca. 1:32,000,000] . Inset charts: Amount of rain in the zones, decrease from the Equator to the poles -- Decrease of the amount of rain from the coasts to the interior of continents -- Increase of the amount of rain on the slopes of mountains. "Meteorology no. 3."
Currents of air.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Currents of air.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Col. lithographed map. Inset maps: Limits of the trade winds & calms in the Atlantic Ocean between longitude 200E & 800W as determined by the wind & current charts of Lieut. Maury, U.S.N. -- The stormy regions of the West Indies showing the tracks of various hurricanes -- Tracks of the Madras Storm, 1842 and the Rodriguez Hurricane, 1843, from observations by Mr. Piddington & Mr. Thom -- Chart of the Culloden's Hurricane, 1809 and the Boyne's Gale, 1835 by Lieut. Col. W. Reid, R.E. Inset illustrations: Barometrical compass -- Thermometrical compass -- Hurricanes of the N. Hemisphere -- Hurricanes of the S. Hemisphere. "Meteorology no. 2."
Heat over globe.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Heat over globe.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
8 col. lithographed maps on 1 sheet. Contents: Isothermal lines of mean annual temperature -- Lines of isabnormal mean annual temperature -- Isothermals of January -- Isothermals of July -- Isothermal lines of mean annual temperature, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere -- Lines of isabnormal temperature, January, July. "Meteorology no. 1."
America river systems.
Berghaus, Heinrich; Joh...
America river systems.
Physical Atlas
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Two hand col. maps on 1 sheet. Inset maps: Sketch of the Niagara River showing the position of the Falls -- Delta of the Mississippi -- Map of the bifurcation of the Orinoco, or the natural junction of the Orinoco & Maranon rivers by the Casiquiare surveyed by A. von Humboldt. Scale 1:4,000,000. "Hydrology no. 6."
Asia, Europe river systems.
Berghaus, Heinrich; Joh...
Asia, Europe river syst...
Physical Atlas
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Hand col. lithograph. Includes profile: Comparative view of the fall of the rivers Volga, Ganges, Danube, Elbe, Rhine, Rhone & Clyde with the positions of some of the most remarkable lakes above & below the level of the sea. "Hydrology no. 5."
Tidal chart British Seas.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Tidal chart British Sea...
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Russell, J. Scott (John Scott), 1808-1882]
Hand col. lithograph. Depths shown by bathymetric tints. "Hydrology no. 4."
Pacific Ocean.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Pacific Ocean.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithograph. Depths shown by soundings. Shows explorers' routes. "Hydrology no. 3."
Indian Ocean.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Indian Ocean.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithograph. Depths shown by soundings. "Hydrology no. 2."
Atlantic Ocean.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Atlantic Ocean.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithograph. Soundings in fathoms. Includes inset map, "Table of the velocity of the Gulf Stream," and "Table of the comparative mean velocity of the currents within 24 hours." "Hydrology no. 1."
Geological phenomena.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Geological phenomena.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithograph. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Contents: Plan of the volcanoes of Pichincha and Antisana surveyed by A. von Humboldt. Scale 1:200,000 -- Plans of the craters of Vesuvius and Etna by H. Abich, 1834. Scale 1:20,000 -- Physical map of the island of Teneriffe, by Leopold von Buch. Scale 1:550,000 -- Southern view of Etna from M.P.O. near Catania by W.S. Waltershausen -- View of the summit of the peak of Teneriffe and of the crater of elevation which surrounds it, from the east, by Leopold von Buch -- Chart of South Keeling Islands surveyed by the officers of H.M.S. Beagle. Scale 1:200,000 -- Chart of Ascension Island, surveyed by Lieutenant Campbell, R.N. Scale [1:200,000] -- View of Ascension Island from the mountain road -- Plan of the Crater of Cedee in the island of Java trigonometrically surveyed by Dr. Salomon Muller, 1836. Scale 1:20,000 -- Plan of Graham Island by Capt. C.H. Swinburne, 1831. Scale 1:20,000 -- Comparative view of the elevation of the principal active volcanoes on the globe -- Plan of Arthurs Seat, from an original survey. Scale 1:20,000. -- Samson's Ribs. "Geology no. 11."
Volcanic action.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Volcanic action.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithographic map. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Insets: Enlarged map of the principal volcanic series of the new world -- Enlarged map of the principal volcanic series of the old world -- Enlarged map of northern India showing the earthquake districts -- Iceland, chiefly according to Krug von Nidda . Scale 1:5,000,000 -- Island of Santorini on an enlarged scale -- Eaheinomauwe, North I. of New Zealand by Leopold von Buch. Scale 1:6,000,000 -- Canary Islands. Scale 1:6,000,000 -- Hawaii Archipelago or Sandwich Islands. Scale 1:6,000,000 -- Greek Islands according to Leopold von Buch. Scale 1:6,000,000 -- Earthquake region of the United States and W.I. islands -- Volcanic district of Lower Italy. Scale 1:6,000,000. Illustrations: Jorullo in Mexico, A. v. Humboldt -- Tankuban Prahu in Java, S. Muller. "Geology no. 10."
Alps glacier systems.
Charpentier, Jean de, 1...
Alps glacier systems.
Physical Atlas
[Charpentier, Jean de, 1786-1855, Forbes, Edward, 1815-1854, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Four col. maps on 1 sheet. Includes 4 inset maps and 2 diagrams. Contents: Map of the glacier system of Mont Blanc. Scale (ca. 1:120,000) -- Map of the snow-field glaciers of the Bernese Oberland. Scale (ca. 1:120,000) -- Sketch of part of the Mer de Glace of Chamouni -- Map of the limits of the erratic deposit of the valley of the Rhone by J. de Charpentier -- Eye sketch of the glacier of Miace -- Eye sketch of the glacier of Allalein in the valley of Saas -- Sketch of the glacier of Talefre -- Eye sketch of the glacier of Schonhorn near the Simplon -- Sketch showing the actual elevation of the snow line in different latitudes from the Equator to the poles -- Diagram showing the actual slope of the Mer de Glace, and its tributaries. "Geology no. 9."
Geol. map U.S.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Geol. map U.S.
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Rogers, Henry Darwin]
Col. lithographed map. Includes "A geological section across the Appalachian Mts. from the coast of New Jersey at Egg Harbour to Lake Ontario near the Niagara River, ... by Prof. Henry Darwin Rodgers (sic), U.S., 1854. Covers also Northern Mexico. "Geology no. 8."
N. & S. America physical.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
N. & S. America physica...
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Rogers, Henry Darwin]
Two hand col. lithographed maps on 1 sheet. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Inset maps: Volcano of Jorullo. Scale (ca. 1:90,000) -- Island of Trinidad -- Table-land of Quito. Scale (ca. 1:8,000,000) -- Enlarged map of the Andes of Bolivia. Scale (ca. 1:16,000,000). Includes 4 cross sections. "Geology no. 7."
Composite: Geological, palaeontological map British Islands.
Forbes, Edward, 1815-18...
Composite: Geological, ...
Physical Atlas
[Forbes, Edward, 1815-1854, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Col. lithographed map on 2 sheets. Southern sheet entitled: Palaeontological map. Shows 25 geologic units. Includes inset of the Shetland Islands, notes, tables, and illustrations of "Palaeozoic fishes," "Tertiary & post Tertiary Mamallia," and "Secondary reptiles, " and "Types of groups of Ammonites ... after Von Buch & D'Orbigny." "Geology no. 5. ... no. 6."
Palaeontological map (British Islands).
Forbes, Edward, 1815-18...
Palaeontological map (B...
Physical Atlas
[Forbes, Edward, 1815-1854, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Col. lithographed map. Southern half of "Geological & palaeontological map of the British Islands." Covers Wales and most of England and Ireland. Shows 25 geologic units. Includes notes, tables and illustrations: Types of groups of Ammonites ... after Von Buch & D'Orbigny." "Geology no. 6."
Geological, palaeontological map British Islands.
Forbes, Edward, 1815-18...
Geological, palaeontolo...
Physical Atlas
[Forbes, Edward, 1815-1854, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Col. lithographed map. Northern half covering Scotland and parts of Ireland, Northern Ireland and England. Explanation on pl. 6. Includes inset of the Shetland Islands, tables, and illustrations of "Palaeozoic fishes," "Tertiary & post Tertiary Mamallia," and "Secondary reptiles." "Geology no. 5."
Geological map Europe.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Geological map Europe.
Physical Atlas
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871, Nicol, James, 1810-1879]
Col. lithographed map. Shows 8 geologic units, southern limit of northern boulders, railways, etc. "Geology no. 4."
Mountains of Europe.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Mountains of Europe.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithographed map. Relief shown by contours and hachures. 6 mountain systems outlined in color. "Geology no. 3."
Physical Europe & Asia.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Physical Europe & Asia.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Inset maps: Rising of the island of Reguain -- Volcanic kingdom of Luzon -- Geological map of Java. Inset sections: Section of the line A.B. -- Section from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea -- Comparative view of the mean height of the continents, Comparative view of the height of the crest & of the culminating points of the great mountain chains by Baron Von Humboldt -- Section on the line C.D. -- Sections across the Himalaya. "Geology no. 2."
Geological structure of globe.
Boue, Ami, 1794-1881; J...
Geological structure of...
Physical Atlas
[Boue, Ami, 1794-1881, Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871]
Hand col. lithographed map. Shows 6 geologic units. Includes an illustration "The principal mountains of the globe arranged according to geographical longitude, with elevations above the level of the sea," and 4 inset maps: Directions of the systems of mountains as they appear at Milford by E. de Beaumont -- Illustrations of the synchronism of parallel chains --(North Pole region) --(Antarctic Regions) "Geology no. 1."
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