Browse All : Case Map by Young, James H. from 1835

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Mitchell's Reference & Distance Map Of The United States.
Mitchell, Samuel August...
Mitchell's Reference & ...
Case Map
[Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, Young, James H.]
Second issue with Mitchell's name in the title, after the 1834 edition titled "A New Map of the United States" and the second 1834 edition, "Reference and Distance Map of the United States by J.H. Young" and the third 1834 issue with Mitchell's name added to the title. There are many changes between the 1835 edition and the 1836 edition in the west and mid west. Map has full color by county and green silk edging. Dissected into 36 sections. Folds into marbled end sheets and a new blue cloth folding case 30.5x25 with "Reference And Distance Map Of The United States S.A. Mitchell 1835" stamped in gold on the spine.
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