Browse All : Historical and Statistical of Budapest (Hungary)

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Népsürüség 86 statiszitikai alkerület szerint. = Volkdichtigkeit nac 86 Statistischen Unterbezirken. 1910-1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Népsürüség 86 statiszit...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing the growth of population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts of Budapest, over time. Map "a" (pink) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts, in 1910; "b" (pink) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts, in 1930; "a" (pink and blue) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts from 1911 to 1920; and "b" (pink and blue) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts from 1921 to 1930. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A népesség korviszonyai. = Altersverhältnisse der Bevölkerung.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A népesség korviszonyai...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Seven colored diagrams representing the age of the population of Budapest, over time. First diagram shows age of the population - distinguishing men and women - in 1910 compared to 1930. Second through seventh diagrams show the population by age group - distinguishing men and women - over time: second compares the population in 1869 to 1930; third compares the population in 1880 to 1930; fourth compares the population in 1890 to 1930; fifth compares the population in 1900 to 1930; sixth compares the population in 1910 to 1930; and seventh compares the population in 1920 to 1930. Diagrams includes legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Budapest népességének fejlödése parti részek szerint. = Bevölkerungsentwicklung der Hauptstadt Budapest nach Uferteilen. 1720-1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Budapest népességének f...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored diagrams representing population development in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the growth in population of Budapest, from 1720 to 1930; second shows the growth in population of Budapest (and some other major European cities), from 1880 to 1930; third shows the growth in population of the administrative districts of Budapest (in the Right Bank), from 1869 to 1930; and fourth shows the growth in population of the administrative districts of Budapest (in the Left Bank), from 1869 to 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Rendes lakások átlagos évi bére. = Durchschnittlicher Jahresmietzins der Gewöhnlichen Wohnungen.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Rendes lakások átlagos ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Ten colored diagrams representing the average annual rent of apartments in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the average annual rent according to apartment size (in general) in 1930 compared to 1910; second shows the average annual rent for one-bedroom apartments with kitchens from 1906 to 1930; third shows the average annual rent as an index number, in 1930; fourth shows the average rent per room, in pengös; fifth shows the monthly rent paid by subtenants, in 1930; sixth shows the monthly rent paid by tenants, in 1930; seventh shows the weekly rent paid by "bed-tenants", in 1930; eighth shows the distribution of the total rent paid for apartments, according to social classes, in 1930; ninth shows the distribution of the total rent paid for apartments, according to apartment size, in 1930; and tenth shows the annual rent paid by the subtenants and "bed-tenants" compared to the the annual rent paid by the main tenants, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Üzletek mühelyet és raktárak bérei. = Mietzinse nach Laden, Werkstätten und Magazinen. 1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Üzletek mühelyet és rak...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Five colored diagrams representing various rental units in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the rent of shops, workshops and warehouses, in 1930; second shows the distribution of the total rent paid according to the type of rental units; third shows further specification of the distribution of the total rent paid according to the type of rental units, such as shops, workshops and warehouses; fourth shows vacant apartments and other rental units (in general), from 1885 to 1932; and fifth shows vacant apartments and other rental units according to apartment size, from 1885 to 1932. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Kibérletlen üres lakások. = Leerstehende Unvermietete Wohnungen. 1910-1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Kibérletlen üres lakáso...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing the distribution of vacant apartments, as well as the population of rental units in districts of Budapest, in 1930. Map "a" (brown) shows the ratio of vacant apartments, in 1930; "b" (brown) - overlaid with data visualization - shows the ratio of vacant apartments to the housing stock of the districts, compared to the increase in apartments, in 1930, compared to 1910 and 1920; "a" (green) shows the ratio of residents in institutional rental units, compared to the total population, in 1930; and "b" (green) shows the ratio of residents in "other rental units", compared to the total population, in 1930. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Rendes lakások átlagos lakbére a lakás összetétele szerint. = Durchschnittlicher Jahresmietzins der Gewöhnlichen Wohnungen nach der Zusammensetzung der Wohnungen. 1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Rendes lakások átlagos ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Seven colored diagrams representing the average annual rent of apartments in Budapest, over time. First through fourth diagrams show the average annual rent of apartments - according to their composition - in Budapest, in 1930: first diagram shows apartments with kitchens only; second shows one-room apartments; third shows two-room apartments; and fourth shows three-room apartments. Fifth shows the average rent according to apartment size, in 1930 compared to 1921; sixth shows the average rent according to apartment size, in 1930; and seventh shows the percentage distribution according to rent, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Öslakó és bevándorolt családfök száma. = Erbgesessene und Eingewanderte Familienhäupter. 1920.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Öslakó és bevándorolt c...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Five colored diagrams representing the number of residents in apartments (as well as immigrant heads of families) in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the number of residents according district, in 1920; second shows the number of residents according to apartment size, in 1920; third shows the number of residents (in general), in 1920; fourth shows the distribution of apartments according to the social position of the main tenants and by apartment size, in 1930; fifth shows the social position of the main tenants, as well as the other tenants, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A háztartások összetétele. = Zusammensetzung der Haushal Tungen.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A háztartások összetéte...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Ten colored diagrams representing the composition of apartment residents, in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the distribution of apartment residents according to relationship (in general), in 1930; second shows the distribution of apartment residents according to relationship (specific to the main tenants), in 1930; third shows the distribution of apartments according to the number of children (of the main tenants), comparing 1910 to 1930; fourth shows the distribution of apartments according to the denomination of the main tenants and the size of the apartment, in 1930; fifth shows the changes in number of apartment subtenants (in general), from 1880 to 1930; sixth shows the changes in number of apartment subtenants (as a percentage of the total population), from 1880 to 1930; seventh shows the distribution of apartments according to the number of subtenants, in 1930; eighth shows the percentage of apartments according to the number of subtenants, in 1930; and ninth and tenth show the distribution of apartments according to occupancy, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A laksürüség alakulása. = Gestaltung der Wohndichtigkeit.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A laksürüség alakulása....
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Seven colored diagrams representing the development of housing density, in Budapest, over time. First four diagrams show actual housing density, in 1930. First shows the distribution of apartments according to the density of rooms; second shows the distribution of apartments according to the density of residents; third shows the distribution of apartments according to the density of apartments (in the vicinity); fourth shows the distribution of apartments according to the density of residents (in the vicinity); fifth shows the average density per room, comparing 1880, 1910 and 1930; sixth shows the average density of apartments, per room, in 1930; and seventh shows the average density of apartments, per location, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Rendes lakások lakásnagyság szerint. = Gewöhnliche Wohnungen nach Wohnungsgrösse.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Rendes lakások lakásnag...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Seven colored diagrams representing apartments - by size - in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the number of dwellings according to size, from 1880 to 1930; second shows the number of apartments according to size (within the inner-city), from 1880 to 1930; third shows shows the number of apartments according to size (on the city periphery), from 1880 to 1930; fourth shows the number of apartments, from 1880 to 1930; fifth shows the distribution of residents according to apartment size, from 1880 to 1930; sixth and seventh show the number of apartments and their occupants, according to size of the apartment, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A háztulajdon statisztikája. = Statistik des Hauseigentums.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A háztulajdon statiszti...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing home ownership statistics in Budapest, over time. First through fourth show the major occupational groups in home ownership, comparing 1906, 1920 and 1930: first diagram shows the number of homes; second shows the number of apartments; third shows the number of rooms; and fourth shows the number of residents. Fifth through eighth shows the persons involved in home ownership, comparing 1906, 1920 and 1930: fifth shows homes; sixth shows apartments; seventh shows the number of rooms; and eighth shows the number of residents. Ninth shows the religious denominations in home ownership, in 1930; and tenth and eleventh show the distribution of annual income, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A lakások számának alakulása. = Gestaltung der Anzahl der Wohnungen. 1880-1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A lakások számának alak...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eighteen colored diagrams representing changes in the number of dwellings in Budapest, over time. First through eighth show general changes in the number of dwellings: first diagram shows the number of ordinary apartments, from 1880 to 1930; second shows rental units according to their type, in 1900; third shows rental units according to their type, in 1930; fourth shows the number of residents in dwellings, from 1880 to 1930; fifth shows the distribution of the population according to the type of rental units, in 1900; sixth shows the distribution of the population according to the type of rental units, in 1930; seventh shows the average occupancy of apartments, from 1880 to 1930; and eighth shows the increase in dwellings and their residents, from 1880 to 1930. Ninth through eleventh show apartments by district (in the Right Bank), from 1880 to 1930; and twelfth through eighteenth show apartments by district (in the Left Bank), from 1880 to 1930. Diagrams include legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
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