Who What Where When



  1. Abbeville (France) (1)
  2. Aberdeenshire (Scotland) (1)
  3. Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) (1)
  4. Abydos (Egypt) (3)
  5. Acre (Israel) (1)
  6. Adriatic Sea (1)
  7. Aegean Sea (5)
  8. Aegean Sea Region (2)
  9. Afghanistan (4)
  10. Africa (21)
  11. Africa, North (9)
  12. Africa, Northeast (1)
  13. Africa, Northern (1)
  14. Alabama (1)
  15. Alameda County (Calif.) (3)
  16. Alaska (5)
  17. Albania (12)
  18. Albany the historic city (3)
  19. Aleutian Islands (Alaska) (1)
  20. Alexandria (Egypt) (2)
  21. Alexandria (Va.) (2)
  22. Algeria (6)
  23. Algers (Algeria) (1)
  24. Alps (1)
  25. Ambleteuse (France) (1)
  26. America (8)
  27. Amsterdam (Netherlands) (1)
  28. Ankara (Turkey) (2)
  29. Annapolis (Md.) (1)
  30. Antarctica (6)
  31. Antibes (France) (1)
  32. Antinoöpolis (Egypt) (9)
  33. Antioch (Classical) (2)
  34. Antioch Region (Turkey) (1)
  35. Antwerp (Belgium) (1)
  36. Arab Empire (2)
  37. Arabia (2)
  38. Arabian Peninsul (1)
  39. Arabian Peninsula (3)
  40. Arcis-sur-Aube Region (Fr … (1)
  41. Arctic (6)
  42. Arctic Regions (3)
  43. Argentina (1)
  44. Arizona (4)
  45. Arkansas (3)
  46. Armenia (2)
  47. Armenia (Republic) (21)
  48. Arra (France) (1)
  49. Asia (63)
  50. Asia Minor (46)
  51. Asia, Central (11)
  52. Asia, Southern (1)
  53. Asian; Far East Asian; Ja … (1)
  54. Asian; Indian Sub-Contine … (1)
  55. Asyut (Egypt) (7)
  56. Ath (Belgium) (1)
  57. Athens (Greece) (3)
  58. Atlantic (2)
  59. Atlantic Ocean (1)
  60. Atlantic Seaboard (1)
  61. Atlantic States (1)
  62. Auerstadt (Germany) (1)
  63. Augsburg (Germany) (1)
  64. Australia (8)
  65. Austria (47)
  66. Badajoz (Spain) (1)
  67. Baden-Wurttemberg (German … (1)
  68. Baghdad (Iraq) (1)
  69. Bagrationovsk Region (Rus … (2)
  70. Baja California (Mexico) (1)
  71. Balkan Peninsula (28)
  72. Balkan Penninsula (1)
  73. Balkan States (1)
  74. Baltic Sea Region (1)
  75. Baltic States (1)
  76. Baltimore (Md.) (4)
  77. Bangladesh (1)
  78. Barcelona (Spain) (2)
  79. Basel (Switzerland) (1)
  80. Basra (Iraq) (1)
  81. Bataan Peninsula (1)
  82. Bath (United Kingdom) (1)
  83. Bautzen (Germany) (1)
  84. Bavaria (1)
  85. Bavaria (Germany) (4)
  86. Bayonne (France) (2)
  87. Beijing (China) (3)
  88. Beirut (Lebanon) (1)
  89. Belarus (8)
  90. Belfort (France) (1)
  91. Belgium (50)
  92. Belgrade (Serbia) (1)
  93. Bell'Isle (France) (2)
  94. Bellegarde (France) (1)
  95. Benelux countries (5)
  96. Beni Hasan (Egypt) (7)
  97. Berezina River (Belarus) (1)
  98. Berks County (Penn.) (1)
  99. Besancon (France) (1)
  100. Bethune (France) (1)
  101. Birk City (Ky.) (1)
  102. Bisbee (Ariz.) (1)
  103. Black Sea (3)
  104. Blackstone Valley (Rhode … (1)
  105. Blaye (France) (1)
  106. Bohemia (Czech Republic) (1)
  107. Bolivia (1)
  108. Bonn (Germany) (1)
  109. Bordeaux (France) (1)
  110. Borodino (Russia) (1)
  111. Bosnia and Hercegovina (1)
  112. Bosnia and Herzegovina (2)
  113. Bosnia-Herzegovina (1)
  114. Bosporus (Turkey) (2)
  115. Boston (Mass.) (2)
  116. Brazil (1)
  117. Brest (France) (2)
  118. Brighton (United Kingdom) (1)
  119. Brisach (German) (1)
  120. British Columbia (1)
  121. British Empire (1)
  122. British Isles (23)
  123. Brown County (Wisconsin) (1)
  124. Brussels (Belgium) (1)
  125. Budapest (Hungary) (113)
  126. Bulgaria (14)
  127. Burgos (Spain) (1)
  128. Bussaco Region (Portugal) (1)
  129. Byron (Ind.) (1)
  130. Byzantine Empire (12)
  131. Cadiz (Spain) (2)
  132. Cairo (Egypt) (2)
  133. Caithness (Scotland) (1)
  134. Calais (France) (1)
  135. California (72)
  136. Cambrai (France) (1)
  137. Cambridge (England) (1)
  138. Cambridge (Mass.) (1)
  139. Campredon (Spain) (1)
  140. Canada (36)
  141. Canterbury (England) (2)
  142. Cape Cod (Mass.) (1)
  143. Caribbean (1)
  144. Caribbean Area (2)
  145. Carlsberg (Germany) (1)
  146. Carmagnola (Italy) (1)
  147. Carroll (Neb.) (1)
  148. Caspian Sea Region (1)
  149. Caucasus (2)
  150. Central America (3)
  151. Central Asia (3)
  152. Champaubert (Marne, Franc … (1)
  153. Charlemont (France) (1)
  154. Charleroi (Belgium) (2)
  155. Charlestown (S.C.) (1)
  156. Chelsea (Manhattan, New Y … (1)
  157. Chesapeake Bay (Md. and V … (1)
  158. Chesapeake Bay (Md.) (1)
  159. Chicago (Ill.) (2)
  160. Chile (2)
  161. China (21)
  162. Ciudad-Rodrigo (Spain) (1)
  163. Civitavecchia (Italy) (1)
  164. Cleveland (Ohio) (5)
  165. Cloudcroft (N.M.) (1)
  166. Cochise County (Ariz.) (1)
  167. Collioure (France) (1)
  168. Colombia (14)
  169. Colorado (3)
  170. Columbia County (Wisconsi … (1)
  171. Condé-sur-l'Escaut (Franc … (1)
  172. Connecticut (4)
  173. Copenhagen (Denmark) (1)
  174. Cornwall (England) (1)
  175. Corregidor Island (Philip … (2)
  176. Corsica (5)
  177. Corsica (France) (1)
  178. Corunna (Spain) (1)
  179. Crete (3)
  180. Crete (Greece) (3)
  181. Crimea (2)
  182. Croatia (3)
  183. Cuba (5)
  184. Cuneo (Italy) (1)
  185. Curupaity (Paraguay) (1)
  186. Curuzu (Paraguay) (1)
  187. Cyprus (8)
  188. Czech Republic (13)
  189. Dalmatian Coast (2)
  190. Damascus (Syria) (1)
  191. Danube River (2)
  192. Dardanelles Strait (Turke … (3)
  193. Daviess County (Ky.) (23)
  194. Delaware (7)
  195. Delmarva Peninsula (1)
  196. Dendarah (Egypt) (33)
  197. Dendermonde (Belgium) (1)
  198. Denmark (12)
  199. Dennewitz (Germany) (1)
  200. Devon (England) (1)
  201. Dieppe (France) (1)
  202. Dinant (Belgium) (1)
  203. District of Columbia (1)
  204. Door Peninsula (Wisconsin … (1)
  205. Dresden (Germany) (1)
  206. Dunkirk (France) (1)
  207. Duxbury (Mass.) (1)
  208. East Asia (2)
  209. East Indies (4)
  210. Easter Island (2)
  211. Eastern Hemisphere (37)
  212. Eastern United States (2)
  213. Ebernburg (Germany) (1)
  214. Ecuador (4)
  215. Edinburgh (Scotland) (2)
  216. Edirne (Turkey) (1)
  217. Edmonton (Canada) (2)
  218. Egypt (377)
  219. El Etmannyieh (Egypt) (4)
  220. Empire of Alexander the G … (1)
  221. England (38)
  222. Erzurum (urkey) (1)
  223. Essex (England) (2)
  224. Essling (Austria) (2)
  225. Estonia (2)
  226. Ethiopia (4)
  227. Europe (262)
  228. Europe, Cental (1)
  229. Europe, Central (31)
  230. Europe, Eastern (16)
  231. Europe, Southern (2)
  232. European; British; Scotti … (2)
  233. European; Dutch (1)
  234. European; Flemish (1)
  235. European; French (15)
  236. European; Southern Euro … (121)
  237. Faiyum Oasis (Egypt) (4)
  238. Far East (3)
  239. Far North Africa (1)
  240. Faroe Islands (2)
  241. Fere-Champenoise (Marne, … (1)
  242. Fife (Scotland) (1)
  243. Finland (2)
  244. Flanders (1)
  245. Florida (5)
  246. Fontarabia (Spain) (1)
  247. Fort Wayne (Ind.) (1)
  248. Fox River Valley (Wiscons … (1)
  249. France (311)
  250. Frankfurt (Germany) (2)
  251. Fredericksburg (Va.) (1)
  252. Freiburg (Germany) (1)
  253. Fremantle (W.A.) (1)
  254. French Colonial Empire (1)
  255. Fresno County (Calif.) (3)
  256. Galloway (Scotland) (1)
  257. Geneva (Switzerland) (1)
  258. Genoa (Italy) (1)
  259. Georgia (5)
  260. Germany (197)
  261. Gerona (Spain) (1)
  262. Gettysburg (Pa.) (3)
  263. Ghent (Belgium) (1)
  264. Gibraltar (1)
  265. Gibraltar, Bay of (1)
  266. Gibraltar, Strait of (1)
  267. Girona (Spain) (1)
  268. Goteburg (Sweden) (1)
  269. Granada (Spain) (1)
  270. Gravelines (France) (1)
  271. Great Britain (10)
  272. Great Lakes (1)
  273. Greece (77)
  274. Greek Colonies (1)
  275. Greek Isles (1)
  276. Green Bay (Wisconsin) (1)
  277. Greenland (2)
  278. Grenoble (France) (1)
  279. Gross Beeren (Germany) (1)
  280. Gulf of Venice (Italy) (1)
  281. Guyana (81)
  282. Haguenau (France) (1)
  283. Hamburg (Germany) (2)
  284. Hanau (Germany) (1)
  285. Hartford (Conn.) (1)
  286. Healdsburg (Calif.) (1)
  287. Heidelberg (Germany) (3)
  288. Heilbronn (Germany) (1)
  289. Heilsberg Region (Germany … (1)
  290. Hermopolis Magna (Egypt) (3)
  291. Historical (1)
  292. Holland (2)
  293. Holmesville (Ind.) (1)
  294. Holy Land (10)
  295. Holyland (1)
  296. Hong Kong (China) (1)
  297. Hudson River (N.Y. and N. … (1)
  298. Hudson River Valley (1)
  299. Humaita (Paraguay) (5)
  300. Hungary (13)
  301. Huningue (France) (1)
  302. Iberian Peninsula (11)
  303. Iceland (1)
  304. Idaho (1)
  305. Illinois (6)
  306. India (16)
  307. Indian Ocean (2)
  308. Indiana (13)
  309. Indonesia (4)
  310. Ionian Islands (1)
  311. Iowa (2)
  312. Iran (26)
  313. Iraq (11)
  314. Ireland (27)
  315. Isfahan (Iran) (1)
  316. Isle de Re (1)
  317. Israel (56)
  318. Istanbul (Turkey) (8)
  319. Istanbul Region (Turkey) (1)
  320. Italy (299)
  321. Itay (1)
  322. Jakarta (Indonesia) (2)
  323. Japan (32)
  324. Java (1)
  325. Java (Indonesia) (2)
  326. Jena (Germany) (1)
  327. Jerusalem (14)
  328. Jordan (8)
  329. Juliers (Germany) (1)
  330. Kaliningrad (1)
  331. Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukra … (1)
  332. Kanawha Valley (W. Va.) (1)
  333. Kansas (2)
  334. Kars Region (Turkey) (1)
  335. Kashan (Iran) (1)
  336. Kaskaskia (Ill.) (1)
  337. Katzbach Region (Germany) (1)
  338. Kentucky (8)
  339. Koblenz (Germany) (1)
  340. Korea (1)
  341. Krasny (Russia) (1)
  342. Kulm (Germany) (1)
  343. Kyoto (Japan : Prefecture … (2)
  344. Kyoto (Japan) (3)
  345. La Albuera (Spain) (1)
  346. La Rochelle (France) (1)
  347. Lake Superior (1)
  348. Landau (Germany) (1)
  349. Laon (France) (1)
  350. LaPorte County (Ind.) (1)
  351. Latin America (9)
  352. Latium (Italy) (1)
  353. Latvia (3)
  354. Le Havre (France) (1)
  355. Lebanon (6)
  356. Leeds (England) (1)
  357. Leipzig (Germany) (2)
  358. Lesser Antilles (1)
  359. Leuze-en-Hainaut (Belgium … (1)
  360. Libya (4)
  361. Liege (France) (2)
  362. Ligny (Belgium) (1)
  363. Lille (Belgium) (1)
  364. Liri River (1)
  365. Lisbon Region (Portugal) (1)
  366. Lithuania (9)
  367. Livorno (Italy) (1)
  368. Lombardy (Italy) (1)
  369. London (England) (187)
  370. Long Island (1)
  371. Long Island (N.Y.) (3)
  372. Long Island Sound (N.Y.) (3)
  373. Longwy (France) (1)
  374. Lorraine, France (2)
  375. Los Angeles (Cal.) (1)
  376. Lothian (Scotland) (1)
  377. Louisiana (2)
  378. Louisville (Ky.) (1)
  379. Lutzen (Germany) (1)
  380. Luxembourg (1)
  381. Luxembourg (Luxembourg) (1)
  382. Luxemburg (1)
  383. Luxor (Egypt) (161)
  384. Lybia (2)
  385. Maastricht (Netherlands) (2)
  386. Macedonia (6)
  387. Madera County (Calif.) (3)
  388. Madison (Wis.) (1)
  389. Madras (India) (1)
  390. Madrid (Spain) (1)
  391. Maine (5)
  392. Malay Archipelago (2)
  393. Malaysia (1)
  394. Maloyaroslavets (Russia) (1)
  395. Malta (4)
  396. Manchuria (2)
  397. Manhattan (New York, N.Y. … (5)
  398. Manheim (Germany) (1)
  399. Manila Bay (Philippines) (1)
  400. Mantua Region (Italy) (1)
  401. Marengo (Piemont, Italy) (2)
  402. Marmara, Sea of, Region ( … (2)
  403. Marseille (France) (1)
  404. Maryland (10)
  405. Massachusetts (4)
  406. Maubeuge (Netherlands) (1)
  407. Mayence (Germany) (1)
  408. Medina de Rioseco Region … (1)
  409. Mediterranean (15)
  410. Mediterranean Region (11)
  411. Mediterranean Sea (2)
  412. Mediterranean Sea Region (2)
  413. Mexico (16)
  414. Mexico City (Mexico) (1)
  415. Meziers (France) (1)
  416. Michigan (2)
  417. Middle Atlantic States (3)
  418. Middle East (73)
  419. Minnesota (4)
  420. Mississippi (2)
  421. Missouri (2)
  422. Mohacs (Hungary) (1)
  423. Mongast (France) (2)
  424. Mongol Empire (2)
  425. Mongolia (2)
  426. Mons (Belgium) (2)
  427. Mont-Louis (France) (1)
  428. Montana (2)
  429. Montenegro (2)
  430. Monterey County (Calif.) (1)
  431. Monterey Peninsula Area ( … (1)
  432. Montgomery County (Ill.) (2)
  433. Montgomery County (Md.) (1)
  434. Montmedy (France) (1)
  435. Montmelian (France) (2)
  436. Montmirail (Marne, France … (1)
  437. Montreal (Canada) (2)
  438. Morocco (4)
  439. Morristown (N.J.) (1)
  440. Moscow (Russia) (2)
  441. Mosul (Iraq) (1)
  442. Mount Tabor Region (Israe … (1)
  443. Naarden (Netherlands) (1)
  444. Namur (Belgium) (3)
  445. Nancy (France) (1)
  446. Naples (Italy) (1)
  447. Naples Region (Italy) (2)
  448. Near East (4)
  449. Nebraska (2)
  450. Nepal (1)
  451. Netherlands (26)
  452. Netherlands. (1)
  453. Nevada (4)
  454. New England (3)
  455. New Granada (2)
  456. New Guinea (1)
  457. New Hampshire (2)
  458. New Jersey (11)
  459. New Mexico (3)
  460. New Orleans (La.) (1)
  461. New Windsor (N.Y. : Town) (1)
  462. New York (17)
  463. New York (N.Y.) (13)
  464. New York City Vicinity (1)
  465. New Zealand (2)
  466. Newburyport (Mass.) (1)
  467. Niagara Falls (N.Y. and O … (1)
  468. Nice (France) (3)
  469. Nieuport (Belgium) (1)
  470. Nikopol (Bulgaria) (1)
  471. Nile River (1)
  472. Nile River (Egypt) (339)
  473. Nivelles Region (Belgium) (1)
  474. North Africa (8)
  475. North America (19)
  476. North American; American (3)
  477. North Carolina (7)
  478. North Dakota (1)
  479. North Sea (1)
  480. Northern Hemisphere (1)
  481. Northern Italy (1)
  482. Northern Mexico (1)
  483. Northumberland County, (P … (1)
  484. Norway (3)
  485. Novi (Italy) (1)
  486. Nuremberg (Germany) (1)
  487. Oakland (Calif.) (1)
  488. Ocana (Spain) (1)
  489. Oceania (5)
  490. Ohio (3)
  491. Ohio City (Ohio) (5)
  492. Oklahoma (2)
  493. Orange County (Calif.) (1)
  494. Oregon (1)
  495. Orinoco-Essequibo Region (81)
  496. Orthez (Pyrenees-Atlantiq … (1)
  497. Ostend (Belgium) (1)
  498. Ottawa (Canada) (2)
  499. Ottoman Empire (91)
  500. Oudenaarde (France) (1)
  501. Pacific (4)
  502. Pacific Ocean (1)
  503. Pakistan (4)
  504. Palamos (Spain) (1)
  505. Palestine (61)
  506. Panama (3)
  507. Paraguay (20)
  508. Paraguay (Río) (1)
  509. Paris (France) (91)
  510. Paris Region (France) (1)
  511. Pasaia (Spain) (1)
  512. Peking (China) (2)
  513. Peloponnesus (1)
  514. Pennsylvania (11)
  515. Perpignon (France) (1)
  516. Persia (2)
  517. Perth (W.A.) (1)
  518. Peru (3)
  519. Petaluma (Calif.) (1)
  520. Phalsbourg (France) (1)
  521. Philadelphia (Pa.) (2)
  522. Philadelphia (Penn.) (6)
  523. Philippeville (Belgium) (1)
  524. Philippines (4)
  525. Philipsburg (German) (1)
  526. Pinerolo (Italy) (1)
  527. Po River Valley (Italy) (1)
  528. Poland (47)
  529. Polynesia (1)
  530. Pomerania (Germany and P … (13)
  531. Port Louis (France) (1)
  532. Portland (1)
  533. Portugal (42)
  534. Potomac River (1)
  535. Potomac Rivery (W. Va.) (1)
  536. Prats de Moliou (France) (1)
  537. Prince Edward Island (6)
  538. Prussia (4)
  539. Prussia (Germany) (4)
  540. Puigcerda (Spain) (1)
  541. Pultusk (Poland) (1)
  542. Quebec (1)
  543. Quebec (Canada) (5)
  544. Quesnoy (France) (1)
  545. Ratzeburg (Germany) (1)
  546. Renfrew (Scotland) (1)
  547. Rhode Island (5)
  548. Rhodes (Greece) (1)
  549. Rochfort (France) (1)
  550. Roman Empire (23)
  551. Romania (5)
  552. Rome (10)
  553. Rome (Italy) (57)
  554. Roses (Spain) (2)
  555. Rouen (France) (1)
  556. Rowan County (N.C.) (1)
  557. Russia (57)
  558. Russian Empire (2)
  559. Saint Esprit (France) (1)
  560. Saint Omer (France) (1)
  561. Saint Paul (Minn.) (1)
  562. Saint-Malo (France) (2)
  563. Salamanca (Spain) (1)
  564. Salt Lake City (Utah) (1)
  565. San Antonio (Tex.) (1)
  566. San Francisco (Calif.) (1)
  567. San Francisco Bay (2)
  568. San Francisco Bay Area (2)
  569. San Francisco Bay Area (C … (1)
  570. San Sebastian (Spain) (1)
  571. Santa Clara County (Calif … (3)
  572. Santa Rosa (Calif.) (1)
  573. Saragossa (Spain) (1)
  574. Sardinia (1)
  575. Sardinia (Italy) (4)
  576. Sarrelouis (Germany) (1)
  577. Saudi Araba (1)
  578. Saudi Arabia (8)
  579. Savoy Region (Italy) (1)
  580. Scandinavia (17)
  581. Scotland (23)
  582. Scottish Highlands (Scotl … (1)
  583. Sedan (France) (1)
  584. Selestat (France) (1)
  585. Serbia (8)
  586. Sicily (1)
  587. Sicily (Italy) (3)
  588. Silver City (N.M.) (1)
  589. Sinai (Egypt) (2)
  590. Slovakia (8)
  591. Slovenia (8)
  592. Smolensk (Russia) (1)
  593. Solano County (Calif.) (3)
  594. Sonoma (Calif.) (1)
  595. Sonoma County (Calif.) (45)
  596. South America (14)
  597. South Asia (2)
  598. South Atlantic States (1)
  599. South Carolina (3)
  600. South Dakota (1)
  601. Southeast Asia (4)
  602. Southern California (3)
  603. Southern Italy (1)
  604. Southern Mediterranean (1)
  605. Southwest United States (1)
  606. Spain (80)
  607. Springfield (Ill.) (2)
  608. Sri Lanka (1)
  609. St. Lawrence River (1)
  610. Steenkerque (Belgium) (1)
  611. Stony Point (N.Y.) (1)
  612. Strasbourg (France) (2)
  613. Sweden (15)
  614. Switzerland (25)
  615. Syracuse (Italy) (1)
  616. Syria (26)
  617. Szczecin (Poland) (1)
  618. Szigetvar (Hungary) (1)
  619. Talavera de la Reina (Spa … (1)
  620. Tarragona (Spain) (1)
  621. Tennessee (2)
  622. Texas (4)
  623. Thailand (4)
  624. The Lake District (Englan … (1)
  625. The West (1)
  626. Thionville (France) (1)
  627. Tilghman Island (Md.) (1)
  628. Tobruk (Libya) (1)
  629. Tokyo (Japan) (2)
  630. Toronto (Canada) (2)
  631. Toulon (France) (2)
  632. Toulouse (France) (1)
  633. Tournai (Belgium) (1)
  634. Trafalgar, Cape (Spain) (2)
  635. Trebbia River Valley (Ita … (1)
  636. Trenton (N.J.) (1)
  637. Trier (Germany) (1)
  638. Tripoli (Libya) (1)
  639. Trukey (1)
  640. Tunis (2)
  641. Tunisia (6)
  642. Turin (Italy) (1)
  643. Turkey (113)
  644. Tuscany (Italy) (1)
  645. U.S. Mid West (5)
  646. U.S. North East (8)
  647. U.S. South (2)
  648. U.S. West (3)
  649. Ukraine (8)
  650. Ulm (Germany) (1)
  651. United Kingdom (1)
  652. United States (242)
  653. United Stattes (1)
  654. Uruguay (2)
  655. Utah (2)
  656. Valenciennes (France) (1)
  657. Valenza (Italy) (1)
  658. Valletta (Malta) (2)
  659. Vancouver (Canada) (2)
  660. Varna Region (Bulgaria) (1)
  661. Vatican City (1)
  662. Vauchamps (Marne, France) (1)
  663. Venezuela (87)
  664. Venice (Italy) (4)
  665. Verceil (Italy) (1)
  666. Verdun (France) (1)
  667. Vermont (3)
  668. Verplanck (N.Y.) (1)
  669. Verrua Savoia (Italy) (1)
  670. Verrue (Belgium) (1)
  671. Victoria (Canada) (2)
  672. Vienna (Austria) (5)
  673. Villefranche (France) (1)
  674. Virginia (11)
  675. Vitoria (Spain) (1)
  676. Wagram (Austria) (2)
  677. Walachia (Romania) (3)
  678. Wales (3)
  679. Washington (1)
  680. Washington (D.C.) (2)
  681. Washington D.C. (3)
  682. Waterloo (Belgium) (2)
  683. Watertown (N.Y.) (1)
  684. Wavre (Belgium) (1)
  685. West Asia (1)
  686. West Indies (8)
  687. West Point (N.Y.) (1)
  688. West Virginia (8)
  689. Western Australia (2)
  690. Western Hemisphere (4)
  691. Williamsburg (Va.) (1)
  692. Winchester (England) (2)
  693. Winchester (Va.) (1)
  694. Winnipeg (Canada) (2)
  695. Winoxbergen (Belgium) (1)
  696. Wisconsin (2)
  697. Wismar (Germany) (1)
  698. World (140)
  699. Wyoming (2)
  700. York (England) (1)
  701. York County (Penn.) (1)
  702. Yorktown (Va.) (1)
  703. Ypres (Belgium) (1)
  704. Zurich (Switzerland) (1)

Browse All : Historical

1-50 of 4,239
1 2 3  
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Seiseki zushi.
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hira...
Seiseki zushi.
Regional Atlas
Matsuda, Rokuzan ; Hiratsuka, Hyosai
[Japan : s.n.]
Kyo mizu Karaku okozu.
Ogawa, Tazaemon; Akisat...
Kyo mizu Karaku okozu.
Separate Map
Ogawa, Tazaemon; Akisato, Rito, fl. 1780-1814
Kyoto : Ogawa Tazaemon, ... [et al.]
Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Oriented with north to the left. Relief shown pictorially. This copy comes with Kyo no mizu by Akisato Rito. Folded to 27 x 18 cm. East Asian Library call number: F206.
Cover: Kyo no mizu Karaku oko zu.
Metogiya, Sohachi
Cover: Kyo no mizu Kara...
Pocket Map
Metogiya, Sohachi
Kyoto : Metogiya Sohachi
East Asian Library call number: F207.5.
Kyo no mizu Karaku oko zu.
Metogiya, Sohachi
Kyo no mizu Karaku oko ...
Pocket Map
Metogiya, Sohachi
Kyoto : Metogiya Sohachi
Mounted cover title. Wood block print. In Japanese. Relief shown pictorially. Shows points of interest. Supplement of :Kyo no mizu /ed. by Akisato Rito. Date of publication is from Kyo no mizu vol. 2. Folded in cover 28 x 14 cm. East Asian Library call number: F207.5.
World News of the Week : Monday, Dec. 22, 1941.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from December 12 to 18, 1941. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Tokyo reports troops landed here. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With three inset maps: (Hong Kong) -- (Tobruk) -- (World map showing Axis Powers and Allies). Also, with diagram: Comparative strength of the warring powers : Armies -- Air forces -- Navies. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Planche 47 Syout (Lycopolis). Plans, Coupes, Élévation Et Détails De Divers Hypogées.
Panckoucke, C. L. F. (C...
Planche 47 Syout (Lycop...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Antiquités IV
Text: Kentucky.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
Text: Kentucky.
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Historical text accompanying the map of Kentucky, on facing page. Includes illustration: "Evening." Sculpture by Paul Manship, for Constitution Mall, New York World's Fair, 1939.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Kentucky, showing political boundaries with bordering states and major rivers. Features natural resources and manufactured items (including coal, blue grass, dairying and racing). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Lincoln's birthplace : Hardin County - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Text: Vermont.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
Text: Vermont.
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Historical text accompanying the map of Vermont, on facing page. Includes illustration: "Mithrana." Sculpture by Albert Stewart above the main entrance to the Administration Building, New York World's Fair, 1939.
Heeresstärken in der Neuzeit. (Army strengths in modern times).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Heeresstärken in der Ne...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing military strength across the world during modernity (1786-1918), as measured by both standing and fighting armies. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 38 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Germany : Its circles, electorates, principal towns, rivers &c. No. 7
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Aug...
Germany : Its circles, ...
Historical Atlas
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne
Hand colored map. Shows administrative boundaries major cities, and rivers. "Possessions of Austria, Prussia, Saxony and Bavaria, exhibited by 4 various colors". Includes text and tables.
No. 35: Carte des douze tribus d'Israel
Lattre, Jean, 1743 -179...
No. 35: Carte des douze...
World Atlas
[Lattre, Jean, 1743 -1793, Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794]
Engraved outlined hand color map. Shows boundaries and place names. Relief shown pictorially. Includes ornamental title cartouche, legend and descriptive text.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Vermont, showing political boundaries with bordering states and major rivers. Features significant sites - such as Montpelier - natural resources and manufactured items (including maple syrup, ferns, sheep and scales). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Longest Footpath - which are pictured in vignettes to the left and right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 20 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Tome VI. No. 11. Page 41. Singularitez curieuses des Royaumes de Maroc
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome VI. No. 11. Page 4...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved map of the Barbary Coast entitled "La Barbarie", with descriptive text and a series of vignettes depicting people and customs in Morocco. Map shows administrative divisions, towns and villages. Relief shown pictorially.
Text: Delaware.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
Text: Delaware.
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Historical text accompanying the map of Delaware, on facing page. Includes illustration: DuPont Buildign at the New York World's Fair, 1939, W. D. Teague, Architect.
Text: (Continues) The Turkish Empire. No. 20
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Aug...
Text: (Continues) The T...
Historical Atlas
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne
Continues: Historical and genealogical text.
Plate 5. (Facsimile) Galloway, by Timothy Post.
Bartholomew, J.G.
Plate 5. (Facsimile) Ga...
National Atlas
Bartholomew, J.G.
"From Blaeu's Atlas, 1654."
Ecclesia dei vivi columna et firmamentum veritatis.
Petri, Girolamo
Ecclesia dei vivi colum...
[World Atlas, Religious...
Petri, Girolamo
Engraved view showing the "Church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of truth" (translation of title). In Volume I.
Klöster : Die wichtigsten Klöster in Deutschland und Nachbargebieten. (Monasteries: The most important monasteries in Germany and neighboring areas).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Klöster : Die wichtigst...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing significant monasteries in Germany and vicinity, from 1000 to 1550. Includes explanatory text. Map is 25 x 32 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Delaware, showing political boundaries with bordering states and coastline. Features natural resources and manufactured items (including grapes, turtles and munitions). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Obelisk Chimney - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 20 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Tome VI. No. 38. Page 159. Nouvelle carte de l'île de Ceylon avec des remarques historiques
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome VI. No. 38. Page 1...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved map of Sri Lanka, with the historical text of the Island below the map. Shows towns, roads, location of Dutch forts, mines, river, mountains and depicted numerous elephants on the map. Relief shown pictorially.
Kraftwagenbestand der Erde. (Motor vehicle stock of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Kraftwagenbestand der E...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing motor vehicle stock across the world, from 1914 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 19 x 38, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Text: Georgia.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
Text: Georgia.
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Historical text accompanying the map of Georgia, on facing page. Includes illustration: Medicine and Public Health, Science and Education Exhibits, Architects: Mayers, Murray & Phillip, New York World's Fair, 1939.
Text: La gerarchia della Santa Chiesa (5).
Petri, Girolamo
Text: La gerarchia dell...
[World Atlas, Religious...
Petri, Girolamo
Descriptive text on "the hierarchy of the Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church" (translation of title). In Volume I.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Georgia, showing political boundaries with bordering states and coastline. Features significant sites (Clay Hills), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including corn, pecans, marble quarries and bamboo farms). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Obelisk Chimney - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 24 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Heeresstärken im Altertum und Mittelalter. (Army strengths in antiquity and the Middle Ages).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Heeresstärken im Altert...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing military strength across the world during antiquity and the Middle Ages, as measured by both standing and fighting armies. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 37 x 21 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Planche 67 Heptanomide. 1 Plan De Cusæ. 2…6 Antiquités De Meylâouy Et Des Environs. 7…10 Deyr Au Nord d’Antinoé. 11.12.13 Deyr Abou-Fâneh. 14…20 Plan Et Détails De Tehné. 21 Vue d’Ouâdy El Teyr.
Panckoucke, C. L. F. (C...
Planche 67 Heptanomide....
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury), 1780-1844, France. Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte]
Antiquités IV
Text: Pennsylvania.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
Text: Pennsylvania.
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Historical text accompanying the map of Pennsylvania, on facing page. Includes illustration: Independence Hall, New York World's Fair, 1939.
Text: (Continues) The Turkish Empire. No. 20
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Aug...
Text: (Continues) The T...
Historical Atlas
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne
Continues: Historical and genealogical text.
Tome VI. No. 31. Page 122. Carte de la Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil, et du Pays des Amazones
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome VI. No. 31. Page 1...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved folded map of the northern part of South America. Covers Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Guiana and parts of Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Argentina. Shows cities, towns, roads, Indian tribes and the tributaries of the Amazon. Includes descriptive text. Relief shown pictorially.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Pennsylvania, showing political boundaries with bordering states and major rivers. Features significant sites (Gettysburg), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including fruit, leather goods, oil and pig iron). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Valley Forge - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Text: New Hampshire.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
Text: New Hampshire.
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Historical text accompanying the map of New Hampshire, on facing page. Includes illustration: Mural painting by Hildreth Meiere, New York World's Fair, 1939.
Text: La gerarchia della Santa Chiesa (4).
Petri, Girolamo
Text: La gerarchia dell...
[World Atlas, Religious...
Petri, Girolamo
Descriptive text on "the hierarchy of the Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church" (translation of title). In Volume I.
New Hampshire.
Bates, Ernest Sutherlan...
New Hampshire.
National Atlas
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of New Hampshire, showing political boundaries with bordering states and coastline. Features significant sites (Mt Washington), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including lakes, apples, r. r. cars, arts & letters). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Squam Lake - which are pictured in vignettes to the left and right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 20 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
1-50 of 4,239
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