[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing the traffic of goods via railways and ships in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the traffic of goods; second shows the traffic of goods according to means of transport and transportation companies (in general), comparing 1874, 1912 and 1932; third shows the traffic of imported goods according to means of transport and transportation companies, in 1931; fourth shows the amount of imported wheat, from 1874 to 1932; fifth shows the amount of imported corn, from 1874 to 1932; sixth shows the amount of imported minerals and petroleum, from 1874 to 1932; seventh shows the amount of imported iron and steel, from 1874 to 1932; eighth shows the amount of imported building materials, from 1874 to 1932; ninth shows the amount of imported construction timber, from 1874 to 1932; tenth shows the amount of imported firewood, from 1874 to 1932; and eleventh shows the amount of imported coal, from 1874 to 1932. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "XII" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "XII" shows the arts and crafts industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Six colored diagrams representing joint-stock companies in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the number of joint-stock companies, from 1873 to 1930; second shows the development of share capital, from 1873 to 1930; third shows the average share capital per public joint-stock company, from 1873 to 1930; fourth shows the average equity per public joint-stock company, comparing 1891, 1909 and 1930; fifth shows the balance sheets of the joint-stock companies according to the main professional classes, in 1930; and sixth shows the average capital strength of industrial corporations according to the main industry groups, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Six colored diagrams representing profitability of joint-stock companies in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows profits and dividends of joint-stock companies, from 1873 to 1930; second shows profit and loss of joint-stock companies, comparing 1909, 1928 and 1930; third shows profit distribution, in 1909; fourth shows profit distribution, in 1930; fifth shows dividends of joint-stock companies, from 1909 to 1930; and sixth shows reservations of the joint stock companies, comparing 1909, 1928 and 1930. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing joint-stock companies - as well as cooperative - in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the number of joint-stock companies, in 1930; second shows the equity of joint-stock companies, in 1930; third shows profit and loss of joint-stock companies, in 1930; fourth shows equity of cooperatives (with a regional sphere of influence), in 1930; fifth shows equity of cooperatives (with activity local to Budapest), in 1930; sixth shows membership status of larger consumer cooperatives, from 1895 to 1930; seventh shows annual membership turnover of larger consumer cooperatives, from 1895 to 1930; eighth shows the number of cooperatives, in 1930; ninth shows the total membership of cooperatives, in 1930; tenth shows the average membership of cooperatives, in 1930; and eleventh shows the average equity of a cooperative, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "IX" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "IX" shows the food (including luxury) industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Maps "VI" and "VII" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "VI" shows the textile industry; and "VII" shows the clothing industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Maps "VIII" and "X" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "VIII" shows the paper industry; and "X" shows the chemical industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Maps "III", "IV" and "V" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "III" shows the stone, clay, asbestos and glass industries; "IV" shows the wood and bone industries; and "V" shows the leather, bristle, animal hair, feather and rubber industries. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing factory personnel in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows factory personnel according to type of employment, from 1923 to 1930; second shows the specification of workers, from 1923 to 1930; third shows the distribution of workers by type of employment and the main industries, in 1930; fourth shows the ratio of civil servants by the main industries, in 1930; fifth shows factory officials, in 1930; sixth shows factory managers, in 1930; seventh shows workers according to wages, from 1923 to 1930; eighth shows the distribution of factories according to the duration of the daily working hours, in 1930; ninth shows the distribution of workers according to the duration of the daily working hours, in 1930; tenth shows the number of working days, from 1925 to 1930; and eleventh shows the number of working hours, from 1925 to 1930. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Ten colored diagrams representing production of the manufacturing industry in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the number of engines operating in factories, comparing 1923, 1928 and 1930; second shows the total horsepower of the engines operating in factories, comparing 1923, 1928 and 1930; third shows the operating expenses of factories (in general), in 1923; fourth shows the operating expenses of factories (in general), in 1928; fifth shows operating expenses of factories (in general), in 1930; sixth shows operating expenses of factories according to main industry groups, in 1930; seventh shows the total value of annual production by the main industry groups, in 1930; eighth shows the added value achieved by production as a percentage of material consumption, in 1930; ninth shows the utilization of production (in general), from 1923 to 1930; and tenth shows the specification of domestic recycling, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "I" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "I" shows the iron and metal industries. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "II" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "II" shows the machines industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing corporate activity (including patents and manufacturing) in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows company logs and deletions (in general), from 1876 to 1932; second shows company logs according to the nature of the companies, in 1912; third shows company logs according to the nature of the companies, in 1932; fourth shows company deletions according to the nature of the companies, in 1912; fifth shows company deletions according to the nature of the companies, in 1932; sixth shows the number of patents filed, from 1922 to 1931; seventh shows the place of residence of patent recipients, in 1931; eighth shows production in the milling industry, from 1873 to 1931; ninth shows beer production, from 1873 to 1931; tenth shows alcohol production, from 1873 to 1931; and eleventh shows tobacco production, from 1873 to 1931. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Seven colored diagrams representing the manufacturing industry in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the development of the manufacturing industry after the World War, according to the number of factories, from 1921 to 1930; second shows the development according to the number of workers on October 1st, from 1921 to 1930; third shows the development according to the total value of material consumption, from 1921 to 1930; fourth shows the development according to the total value of annual production, from 1921 to 1930; fifth shows the ratio of factories according to the type of company, in 1923; sixth shows the ratio of factories according to the type of company, in 1930; and seventh shows manufacturing according to the main industry groups, in 1930. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing grocers within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "d" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eight colored diagrams representing credit security in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the number of bankruptcies (in general), from 1907 to 1932; second shows opened bankruptcies according to the nature of the companies, in 1932; third shows the number of insolvencies, from 1926 to 1932; fourth shows the assets and liabilities of compensation, from 1926 to 1932; fifth shows insolvencies according to the type of procedure, in 1932; sixth shows assets and liabilities according to occupation, in 1932; seventh shows the number of bills protested, from 1927 to 1932; and eighth shows the sum of bills protested, from 1927 to 1932. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing restaurants, pubs and cafes within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "c" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eight colored diagrams representing business corporations in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows business corporations, from 1888 to 1931; second shows income of commercial corporations, in 1931; third shows completed trade licenses (in general), from 1878 to 1932); fourth shows the percentage distribution of trade licenses according to occupational classes, in 1878; fifth shows the percentage distribution of trade licenses according to occupational classes, in 1931; sixth shows the percentage distribution of trade licenses (already completed) according to occupational classes, in 1878; seventh shows the percentage distribution of trade licenses (already completed) according to occupational classes, in 1931; and eighth shows the specification of trade licenses according to main industrial and commercial groups, in 1931. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing meat smokers and butchers within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "a" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing bakers and confectioners within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "b" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eight colored diagrams representing taxation in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the number of taxpayers, in 1929; second shows the total sales tax, in 1929; third shows the average sales tax amount due to a taxpayer, in 1929; fourth shows income from municipal public services, comparing 1928 to 1932; fifth through eighth show the securing and collecting of public taxes, from 1927 to 1932. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Twelve colored diagrams representing taxation in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the amount of income, from 1926 to 1932; second shows the value of assets, from 1926 to 1932; third shows rated income tax, from 1926 to 1932; fourth shows assessed wealth tax, from 1926 to 1932; fifth shows income tax as a percentage of all income, from 1926 to 1932; sixth shows wealth tax as a percentage of all assets, from 1926 to 1932; seventh shows sources of individual income, in 1932; eighth shows the value of the individual assets, in 1932; ninth shows income from consumption taxes, from 1874 to 1932; tenth shows tax revenue from the significant consumer items, in 1932; eleventh shows the specification of consumption taxes, in 1932; and twelfth shows sales tax, from 1921 to 1932. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing taxation in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows taxation (in general), from 1874 to 1932; second shows taxation per capita, from 1874 to 1932; third shows specification according to tax types, in 1874; fourth shows specification according to tax types, in 1912; fifth shows specification according to tax types, in 1932; sixth shows the number of taxed houses, from 1874 to 1932; seventh shows the sum of household interest income, from 1874 to 1932; eighth shows the sum of household taxation, from 1874 to 1932; ninth shows household taxation as a percentage of total household income; tenth shows the income from taxation, from 1928 to 1932; eleventh shows the distribution of the general income tax base according to sources of income, in 1931. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map, overlaid with data visualization, representing tax revenues by tax districts in Budapest, in 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored diagrams representing income and expenditure for Budapest, over time. First diagram shows income and expenditure, from 1875 to 1932; second shows the average income per capita, from 1875 to 1932; third shows the specification of income and expenditure according to administrative branches, in 1931; and fourth shows some of the significant expenditure items, comparing 1875, 1911 and 1931. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing the capital budget in Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the balance sheet (in general), from 1874 to 1932; second shows the net worth, from 1874 to 1932; third shows the specification of assets for the municipal budget, in 1874; fourth shows the specification of the assets for the municipal budget, in 1910; fifth shows the specification of the assets for the municipal budget, in 1932; sixth shows the portfolio of bonds, from 1874 to 1932; seventh shows the specification of the repayment bond portfolio, in 1932; eighth shows the number of fire departments, from 1874 to 1932; ninth shows the number of fires, from 1874 to 1932; tenth shows fires according to scale, in 1932; and tenth shows fires according to cause, in 1932. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Eleven colored diagrams representing the ratio of occupations within the population of Budapest, over time. First diagram shows the ratio of the employed and unemployed, comparing 1869, 1910 and 1930; second shows the ratio of working women within the population, from 1880 to 1930; third shows the total population according to occupational classes, comparing 1869, 1910 and 1930; fourth shows the employed population, comparing 1869, 1910 and 1930; fifth shows the ratio of the employed population by occupational classes in 1869; sixth shows the ratio of the employed population by occupational classes, in 1910; seventh shows the ratio of the employed population by occupational classes, in 1930; eighth shows the employed population within industries by the professional relationship (in general), from 1880 to 1930; ninth shows the employed population within trades by the professional relationship (in general), from 1880 to 1930; tenth shows the self-employed population within industries, from 1880 to 1930; and eleventh shows the self-employed population within trades, from 1880 to 1930. Diagrams include legends. Together, diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
[Brion de La Tour, Louis, 1743 – 1803, Desnos, Louis Charles]
Outline hand color map of the domestic trade, by navigable rivers and the main roads. Relief shown pictorially. Includes legend, ornamental title cartouche and border. In upper right: Pl. 34.