Browse All : Statistical and Diagram

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Cross-Sections Through California.
Andrews, RJ
Cross-Sections Through ...
[Separate Map, Diagram]
Andrews, RJ
Text: Cross-Sections Through California.
Andrews, RJ
Text: Cross-Sections Th...
[Separate Map, Diagram]
Andrews, RJ
World News of the Week : Monday, Dec. 22, 1941.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from December 12 to 18, 1941. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Tokyo reports troops landed here. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With three inset maps: (Hong Kong) -- (Tobruk) -- (World map showing Axis Powers and Allies). Also, with diagram: Comparative strength of the warring powers : Armies -- Air forces -- Navies. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Handwerker- und Arbeiterreallöhne seit dem Mittelalter. (Craftsman and worker real wages since the Middle Ages).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Handwerker- und Arbeite...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing wages in England and Germany, from 1250 to 1930. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 34 x 24 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Heeresstärken in der Neuzeit. (Army strengths in modern times).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Heeresstärken in der Ne...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing military strength across the world during modernity (1786-1918), as measured by both standing and fighting armies. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 38 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Streiks und Aussperrungen. (Strikes and lockouts).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Streiks und Aussperrung...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing strikes and lockouts in Great Britain, France and the German Empire, from 1913 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 16 x 37 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Vegetationszonen der Erde. (Vegetation zones of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Vegetationszonen der Er...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing vegetation zones across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 20 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Produktive Flächen der Erde. (Productive areas of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Produktive Flächen der ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing the proportions of landscape across the world, such as woods, bushlands, meadows, pastures, moors, farmlands, gardens and vineyards. Includes a legend. Diagram is 20 x 39 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Klöster : Die wichtigsten Klöster in Deutschland und Nachbargebieten. (Monasteries: The most important monasteries in Germany and neighboring areas).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Klöster : Die wichtigst...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing significant monasteries in Germany and vicinity, from 1000 to 1550. Includes explanatory text. Map is 25 x 32 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Kraftwagenbestand der Erde. (Motor vehicle stock of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Kraftwagenbestand der E...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing motor vehicle stock across the world, from 1914 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 19 x 38, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Großstädter unter je 25 Personen. (Big cities under 25 people each).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Großstädter unter je 25...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing population of cities across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 39 x 21 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Heeresstärken im Altertum und Mittelalter. (Army strengths in antiquity and the Middle Ages).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Heeresstärken im Altert...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing military strength across the world during antiquity and the Middle Ages, as measured by both standing and fighting armies. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 37 x 21 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Negersklaverei in den 15 Südstaaten der U.S.A. (Negro slavery in the 15 southern states U.S.A.).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Negersklaverei in den 1...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing population of African slaves in the southern United States. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 35 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Handelsmarinen der Erde. (Merchant marine on Earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Handelsmarinen der Erde...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing merchant marines across the world, from 1850 to 1929. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 20 x 39, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Deutsche Städte im 15. Jahrhundert. (German cities in the 15th century).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Deutsche Städte im 15. ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing population of German cities during the 15th century. Includes explanatory text. Map is 24 x 32 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Ölfeuerung in den Handelsmarinen der Erde. (Oil firing in the world's merchant marine).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Ölfeuerung in den Hande...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing merchant marines (steam, coal and sailing) across the world in 1914 and 1929. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 7 x 29; second is 10 x 29 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Altamerikanische Kulturen um 1500. (Old American cultures around 1500).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Altamerikanische Kultur...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing certain indigenous populations of the Americas around 1500. Represented peoples include the Aztecs, Mayan and Zapotec. Includes explanatory text. Map is 39 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Arbeitslose. (Unemployed).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Arbeitslose. (Unemploye...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing population of the unemployed in Great Britain, France and the German Empire, from 1913 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 37 x 22 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Erwerbstätige nach Wirtschaftsgruppen um 1920. (Employees by economic groups around 1920).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Erwerbstätige nach Wirt...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing population of employees from different economic groups in countries across the world in 1920. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 37 x 18 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Mar. 16, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from March 6 to 12, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Free French strike here. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: MacArthur's Stronghold -- If the war theater were in the Western Hemisphere. Also, with diagram: National income. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Signaturen. (Legend).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Signaturen. (Legend).
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Diagram showing signature minerals, natural resources, products and trade across the world. Diagram is 20 x 33 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Verbreitung der Religionen. (Spread of religions).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Verbreitung der Religio...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing the spread of religions across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 34 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Mar. 2, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from February 20 to 26, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Where Truxton, Pollux crashed against coast. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Oil squeeze on the Allies -- Island of Java. Also, with diagram: Oil sources in the Far East. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Auswärtige Staatsschulden und deutsche Reparationen. (Foreign government debt and German reparations).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Auswärtige Staatsschuld...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing government debt across the world, and German reparations. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 34 x 21, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Arbeitnehmer in der U.d.S.S.R. (Workers in the U.d.S.S.R).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Arbeitnehmer in der U.d...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing workers in the Soviet Union during the fiscal years 1928 to 1929. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 35 x 24 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Apr. 27, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from April 17 to 23, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes a legend indicating locations of bombings, as well as American troops stationed outside the continental United States. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Russians launch drives here. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With inset map: Stronghold of the enemy. Also, with two diagrams: Farm workers in the United States -- Airplane production in U. S. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
World News of the Week : Monday, Feb. 23, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from February 13 to 19, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes legend indicating average February temperatures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Four Italian ships torpedoed. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With four inset maps: Thailand -- (China) -- (Texas, New Mexico and Arizona) -- Blueprint for building Army of 700,000. Also, with diagram: Construction in U. S. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
(Russisches Reich) U.d.S.S.R.: Bevölkerung. ((Russian Empire) U.d.S.S.R .: population).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
(Russisches Reich) U.d....
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing the Russian Empire population in 1500, 1850 and 1930. Includes explanatory text. Each map is 9 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Maschinenausfuhr vor dem Krieg und jetzt. (Machine export before the war and now).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Maschinenausfuhr vor de...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing machinery exports across the world in 1909-1913 and 1928 (before and after World War I). Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 8 x 24; second is 10 x 38 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Entwicklung der Brotgetreide- und Reisproducktion seit 1860. (Development of bread cereal and rice production since 1860).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Entwicklung der Brotget...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored maps, with diagrams showing bread cereal and rice production across the world, from 1860 to 1919. Includes explanatory text. First map, with diagram, is 21 x 14 cm; second, with diagram, is 21 x 11, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Einfuhrhandel nach West- und Mitteleuropa. (Import trade to Western and Central Europe).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Einfuhrhandel nach West...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing worldwide imports to Western and Central Europe from across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Apr. 20, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from April 11 to 16, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Where some United Nations' ships were sunk. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: (Philippines) -- Vichy and the Axis - in Africa. Also, with two diagrams: Money in circulation in the United States -- Airplane production in U. S. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Erwerbstätige Männer und Frauen um 1920. (Working men and women around 1920).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Erwerbstätige Männer un...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing population of working people in countries across the world in 1920. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 35 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Entwicklung der Kohle- und Erdölproduktion seit 1870. (Development of coal and oil production since 1870).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Entwicklung der Kohle- ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map, with diagram showing the development of coal and oil production across the world, from 1870 to 1919. Includes explanatory text. Map, with diagram, is 20 x 38, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Apr. 13, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from April 3 to 9, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Where Reds claim to have slain 40,000 Nazis. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With inset map: (Bataan Peninsula). Also, with diagram: U. S. steel output. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Die Beschäftigten in den Gewerbebetrieben des Deutschen Reiches. (The employees in the commercial enterprises of the German Reich).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Die Beschäftigten in de...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing employees in the German Empire in 1882 and 1925. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 11 x 18 cm; second is 16 x 18 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Rinderbestand der Erde -- Schweinbestand der Erde -- Schafbestand der Erde. (Cattle population on earth - Pig population on earth - Sheep population on earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Rinderbestand der Erde ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing population of cattle, pigs and sheep across the world. Includes explanatory text. Each map 10 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Baumwollwirtschaft der Erde. (Cotton economy of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Baumwollwirtschaft der ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing the cotton economy industry across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 40 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Gold- und Silbergewinnung der Erde. (Gold and silver extraction from the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Gold- und Silbergewinnu...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing the extraction of gold and silver across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 41, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Weltstädte. (World cities).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Weltstädte. (World citi...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored diagrams, comparing population of major cities across the world, from 1800 to 1930. Includes explanatory text. Each diagram is 13 x 22 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Entwicklung der Kautschukproduktion seit 1895. (Development of rubber production since 1895).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Entwicklung der Kautsch...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map, with diagram showing the development of rubber production across the world, from 1895 to 1919. Includes explanatory text. Map, with diagram, is 17 x 35, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Gewerkschaftlich organisierte und nichtorganisierte Arbeiter und Angestellete. (Unionized and unorganized workers).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Gewerkschaftlich organi...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing unionized and unorganized workers across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 37 x 17 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Auswärtige Kapitalsanlagen und Verfremdung. (Foreign investments and alienation).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Auswärtige Kapitalsanla...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing foreign investments across the world in 1914 and 1928. Includes explanatory text. Each diagram is 18 x 24, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Römerreich: Bevölkerung. (Roman Empire: population).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Römerreich: Bevölkerung...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing population of countries in the Roman Empire. Includes explanatory text. Map is 25 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Apr. 6, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from March 27 to April 2, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Scene of Arctic Sea Battle. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: (North to the realm of Japan?) -- (Thailand). Also, with three diagrams: Principal regions of India (census of 1931) -- (Submarine plan) -- (Submarine sights ship). Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Kautshukwirtschaft der Erde. (Rubber economy of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Kautshukwirtschaft der ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing the rubber industry across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 20 x 40, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Zuckerwirtschaft der Erde. (Earth's sugar industry).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Zuckerwirtschaft der Er...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing the sugar industry across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 40, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Völkergruppen der Erde. (Ethnic groups of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Völkergruppen der Erde....
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing ethnic groups across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 31 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
New York.
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
New York.
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, with diagrams showing the growth of New York and comparing population over time, from 1767 to 1930. Includes a legend and explanatory text, as well as a bar scale. Each map, with diagram, is up to 22 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Indien und der ferne Osten: Städte. (India and the Far East: Cities).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Indien und der ferne Os...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing population of cities in India and the Far East, from the time of Christ's birth to 1930. Includes explanatory text. Each map 12 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
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1 2 3 4 5