Browse All : Statistical and Diagram

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Typische Volksdichten in wichtigen Zeiten und Ländern. (Typical folk densities in important times and countries).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Typische Volksdichten i...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing population of countries across the world, from 1500 BCE to 1930. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 36 x 21 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Entwicklung der Kartofffelproduktion seit 1860. (Development of potato production since 1860).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Entwicklung der Kartoff...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map, with diagram showing the development of potato production across the world, from 1860 to 1919. Includes explanatory text. Map, with diagram, is 21 x 21, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Verbreitung der Wirtschaftsformen. (Spread of economic forms).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Verbreitung der Wirtsch...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing the spread of economic forms across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 34 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Altamerikanische Städte. (American cities).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Altamerikanische Städte...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored maps showing indigenous populations of the Americas, with names in Spanish transcriptions. Represented peoples include the Incas. Includes explanatory text. With profile view: Zehnfach überhöht. First map is 20 x 28 cm; second is 20 x 12 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Religionen der Erde. (Religions of the Earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Religionen der Erde. (R...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing religions across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 31 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Wanderbewegung wichtiger Länder 1920-27. (Migration movement of important countries 1920-27).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Wanderbewegung wichtige...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing migration across the world, from 1920 to 1927. Includes a legend and explanatory text. Diagram is 38 x 25 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Gewerkschaften der Erde. (Unions of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Gewerkschaften der Erde...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing unions across the world in 1912 and 1928. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 6 x 20 cm; second is 16 x 20 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Mar. 23, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from March 13 to 19, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Captured by Russians. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Australia -- Is this the road back? Also, with diagram: The world's income tax. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Mongolenreich nach 1250: Produktion. (Mongol Empire after 1250: production).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Mongolenreich nach 1250...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing production in the Mongol Empire after 1250. Includes explanatory text. Map is 21 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
World News of the Week : Monday, Jan. 26, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from January 16 to 22, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Dutch Islands being guarded by U. S. Air Force. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Malay States -- When the Allies attack Japan. Also, with diagram: Average hourly wage rates in manufacturing industry. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
World News of the Week : Monday, Jan. 19, 1942.
News Map of the Week, I...
World News of the Week ...
Separate Map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from January 9 to 15, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Australian Navy Minister says U. S. British reinforcements on way east. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Enemy's industries -- (Manila Bay). Also, with three diagrams: Japanese naval losses in the Far East -- 1943 Budget; U. S. Budget; Defense; Public Debt -- U. S. Army Strength. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Französisches Kolonialreich: Bevölkerung. (French colonial empire: population).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Französisches Kolonialr...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing the French Colonial Empire population in 1700, 1850 and 1930. Includes explanatory text. Each map is 10 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Verfassungsformen in der abendländischen Kultur. (Constitutional Forms in Western Culture).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Verfassungsformen in de...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing constitutional forms in western culture across the world, from 1787 to 1930. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 35 x 25 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Eisenwirtschaft der Erde. (Iron economy of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Eisenwirtschaft der Erd...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing the iron industry across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 40, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Damaskus. (Damascus).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Damaskus. (Damascus).
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Four colored maps, with diagrams showing the growth of Damascus and comparing population over time, from 300 BCE to 1930. Includes a legend and explanatory text, as well as a bar scale. Each map, with diagram, is up to 16 x 7 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Alte Welt: Staaten und Bevölkerung. (Old world: states and population).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Alte Welt: Staaten und ...
500 BCE
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing population of countries in the ancient world: 3000 BCE -- 1500 BCE -- 500 BCE. Includes explanatory text. Each map 12 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
U.S.A.: Bevölkerung. (U.S.A .: population).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
U.S.A.: Bevölkerung. (U...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing the United States population in 1783, 1850 and 1930. Includes explanatory text. Each map is 10 x 21 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Wasserkraft, Kohle- und Erdölenergie Europas ohne U.d.S.S.R. (Hydropower, coal and oil energy in Europe without U.d.S.S.R).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Wasserkraft, Kohle- und...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing hydropower, coal and petroleum energy in Europe. Includes a legend. Map is 32 x 22, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Erwerbstätige Bevölkerung der Erde. (Working population of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Erwerbstätige Bevölkeru...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing the working population across the world, as of 1928. Includes a legend. Diagram is 23 x 32 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Gesellschaftsgliederung in Wien. (Structure of society in Vienna).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing social structure in Vienna around 1700 and in 1930. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 36 x 7 cm; second is 36 x 13 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Aussenhandel wichtiger Handelsstaaten. (Foreign trade of important trading countries).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Aussenhandel wichtiger ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored diagrams, comparing foreign trade across the world, from 1900 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 13 x 7; second is 19 x 11 cm; third is 19 x 14 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Britisches Reich: Bevölkerung. (British Empire: population).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Britisches Reich: Bevöl...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing the British Empire population in 1783, 1880 and 1930. Includes explanatory text. Each map is 10 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Waldbestand in Eurasien. (Forests in Eurasia).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Waldbestand in Eurasien...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing forests in Europe and Asia. Includes a legend. Map is 20 x 44 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Bevölkerungsstand der Erde. (Population status of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Bevölkerungsstand der E...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing population of different races across the world, from 1800 to 1930. Includes a legend. Each map is 11 x 21 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Parlamente anfang 1930. (Parliaments in early 1930).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Parlamente anfang 1930....
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing parliaments in major political powers across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 21 x 31 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Staaten und Bevölkerung um Christi Geburt. (States and population around the birth of Christ).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Staaten und Bevölkerung...
33 AD
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing countries and population across the world during the time of Christ. Includes explanatory text. Map is 21 x 41 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Wirtschaftsformen der Erde. (Economic forms of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Wirtschaftsformen der E...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing economic forms across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 31 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Römerreich: Städte. (Roman Empire: cities).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Römerreich: Städte. (Ro...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing population of cities in the Roman Empire. Includes explanatory text. Map is 25 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Rūstungen vor dem Kriege und jetzt. (Armor before the war and now).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Rūstungen vor dem Krieg...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing armor across the world in 1913-1914 and 1928-1929 (before and after World War I). Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 20 x 37 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Staaten und Bevölkerung 1500. (States and population 1500).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Staaten und Bevölkerung...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing countries and population across the world in 1500. Includes explanatory text. Map is 20 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Römerreich: Produktion. (Roman Empire: production).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Römerreich: Produktion....
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing production in the Roman Empire. Includes explanatory text. Map is 25 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Entwicklung der Zuckerwirtschaft seit 1870. (Development of the sugar industry since 1870).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Entwicklung der Zuckerw...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map, with diagram showing the development of the sugar industry across the world, from 1870 to 1919. Includes explanatory text. Map, with diagram, is 19 x 24, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Monopolartige Produktionen aussereuropäischer Länder. (Monopoly-like productions from non-European countries).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Monopolartige Produktio...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing monopolies in non-European countries across the world. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 36 x 21, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Mongolenreich nach 1250: Städte und Strassen. (Mongol Empire after 1250: cities and streets).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Mongolenreich nach 1250...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing cities and routes in the Mongol Empire after 1250. Map is 21 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Wohndichte in Großstädten. (Residential density in big cities).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Wohndichte in Großstädt...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams showing residential density in major cities across the world, and in German cities with a population of over 400,000. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 7 x 40 cm; second is 13 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Araberreich und Nachbargebiete: Bevölkerung. (Arab empire and neighboring areas: population).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Araberreich und Nachbar...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing population in countries of the Arab Empire and vicinity. Includes explanatory text. Map is 37 x 24 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Wanderungsfrage am Pazifik. (Migration issue on the Pacific).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Wanderungsfrage am Pazi...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing migration in the Pacific, as well as in North and South America. Includes explanatory text. Map is 24 x 41 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Kohlenwirtschaft der Erde. (Earth's coal economy).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Kohlenwirtschaft der Er...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing the coal industry across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 40, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Kartofffelproduktion der Erde. (Potato production on earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Kartofffelproduktion de...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing potato production across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 40, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Regierungsformen in Europa. (Forms of government in Europe).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Regierungsformen in Eur...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored maps, comparing forms of government in Europe in 1914 and 1930. Includes explanatory text. Each map is 16 x 20 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Der Völkerbund -- Völkerbundstaaten übrige Staaten. (The League of Nations - League of Nations other states).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Der Völkerbund -- Völke...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map and accompanying diagram showing the League of Nations across the world. Includes explanatory text. Map is 11 x 21 cm; diagram is 23 x 13 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Entwicklung der Wirtschaftsformen -- Entwicklung der Religionen. (Development of economic forms - development of religions).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Entwicklung der Wirtsch...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams showing the development of economic forms, as well as the development of religion across the world, from the time of Christ's birth to 1930. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 14 x 24 cm; second is 15 x 24 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Vermögensverteilung im Deutschen Reich. (Distribution of wealth in the German Empire).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Vermögensverteilung im ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing the distribution of wealth in the German Empire. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 21 x 35 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Alte Welt: Städte. (Old world: cities).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Alte Welt: Städte. (Old...
500 BCE
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, comparing population of cities in the ancient world: 3000 BCE -- 1500 BCE -- 500 BCE. Includes explanatory text. Each map 12 x 23 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Säuglingsterblichkeit und Einkommen. (Infant mortality and income).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Säuglingsterblichkeit u...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing the infant mortality rate, as well as income across the world in 1929. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 19 x 38 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Araberreich und Nachbargebiete: Städte. (Arab empire and neighboring areas: cities).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Araberreich und Nachbar...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing population in cities of the Arab Empire and vicinity. Includes explanatory text. Map is 37 x 24 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Rom. (Rome).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Rom. (Rome).
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored maps, with diagrams showing the growth of Rome and comparing population over time, from the birth of Christ to 1930. Includes a legend and explanatory text, as well as a bar scale. Each map, with diagram, is up to 19 x 13 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Die Energieveersorgung der Erde. (The Earth's energy supply).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Die Energieveersorgung ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing the energy supply across the world. Includes a legend. Map is 21 x 40, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Gesellschaftsgliederung in Nürnberg. (Company structure in Nuremberg).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing social structure in Nuremberg in the 15th century and in 1930. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 36 x 9 cm; second is 36 x 14 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Monopolartige Produktionen europäischer Länder und der U.d.S.S.R. (Monopoly-like productions by European countries and the U.d.S.S.R.).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Monopolartige Produktio...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing monopolies in European countries and the Soviet Union. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 36 x 21, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
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