Browse All : Thematic Atlas of Canada

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Text: (63) Pulp and paper mills.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (63) Pulp and pap...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (63) Pulp and paper mills: This plate shows the location of pulp mills, paper mills and pulp and paper mills and also gives an indication of their annual capacity, in 1951.
Text: (37) Ranges of representative insects, ticks and spiders.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (37) Ranges of re...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (37) Ranges of representative insects, ticks and spiders: This plate shows the ranges of a few of the many thousands of kinds of insects, ticks and spiders that occur in Canada ...
Text: (91) Television and radio.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (91) Television a...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (91) Television and radio.
(87) Air lines.
Canada. Department of M...
(87) Air lines.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows airlines in Canada. Includes legend. Features distance table: Scheduled air line mileage. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: The data for this plate are as of December 1957 ...
(104) Rural municipalities - Eastern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(104) Rural municipalit...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows rural municipalities in Eastern Canada. Includes a legend and 2 keys. Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. With inset: (Iles-de-la-Madeleine, scale 1:1,000,000). Descriptive text on verso: The rural districts are essentially two or more contiguous communities which have combined for the purpose of setting up a municipal council ... [Date of map inferred based upon atlas data.]
Text: (50) Births, marriages and deaths, etc.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (50) Births, marr...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (50) Births, marriages and deaths, etc.: The data for maps on this plate were derived from the 1951 Census of Canada ...
Text: (52) Aboriginal population.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (52) Aboriginal p...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (52) Aboriginal population: The main map is an attempt to depict the aboriginal ethnic and linguistic situation as it existed when the various natives were first met by Europeans. It is based on a similar one which accompanied Bulletin 65 of the National Museum of Canada - The Indians of Canada by Diamond Jenness, which was first published in 1932 and republished in 1934 and 1955.
(73) Non-ferrous metals - Eastern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(73) Non-ferrous metals...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
2 maps showing non-ferrous metals in Eastern Canada. 1 map 22 x 64 cm (scale 1:5,000,000), 1 map 25 x 29 cm (1:20,000,000). Each map includes a legend and diagram indicating distribution percentage. Features diagram: Percentage production of non-ferrous metals by provinces, 1955. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. With 2 insets: Sudbury Basin, geological map (17 x 17 cm) -- Mining locations in part of Northern Ontario-Quebec (8 x 10 cm, scale 1:5,000,000), including index. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the non-ferrous metal mines, refineries, smelters and reduction works that were in production or coming into production in Eastern Canada in 1955 ...
Text: (99) Populated places - Northern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (99) Populated pl...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (99) Populated places - Northern Canada: This plate shows the permanently populated places in Northern Canada in 1958 ...
Text: (48) Density of population, 1951.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (48) Density of p...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (48) Density of population, 1951.
Text: (87) Air lines.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (87) Air lines.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (87) Air lines: The data for this plate are as of December 1957 ...
Text: (90) Shipping.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (90) Shipping.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (90) Shipping: Foreign shipping includes vessels which (1) arrive from a foreign port as last port of call or depart for a foreign port as first port of call; (2) load cargo for a foreign port; (3) have other than Canadian or United Kingdom registry, even though they may have arrived at a Canadian port from another Canadian port or departed from a Canadian port for another Canadian port ...
(24) Growing seasons.
Canada. Department of M...
(24) Growing seasons.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
4 maps showing growing seasons in Canada. Each map 23 x 32 cm. Each includes a legend. Scale 1:20,000,000 or one inch to 315.6 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate illustrates certain aspects of the climate of the growing seasons ... The map was constructed from data for the period 1921 to 1950 inclusive ...
(47) Distribution of population, 1951.
Canada. Department of M...
(47) Distribution of po...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows distribution of population in Canada in 1951. Includes a legend. Features 2 diagrams: Numerical distribution of population, 1951 -- Percentage distribution of population, 1951. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N.
(8) Hydrographic charts.
Canada. Department of M...
(8) Hydrographic charts...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
4 nautical charts showing Canadian shorelines mapped at different scales. Each map 22 x 31 cm. Each includes a scale statement. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the coverage of hydrographic charts produced by the Surveys and Mapping Branch of the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys ... [Date of map inferred based upon atlas data.]
(83) Railways.
Canada. Department of M...
(83) Railways.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
2 maps showing railways in Canada. Each 23 x 64 cm. Includes key and legend. Features distance table: Railway mileage. With 3 insets: Railway in the Whitehorse vicinity (5 x 5 cm) -- Railway in the Churchill vicinity (7 x 5 cm) -- Railway in the Schefferville to the Sept-Iles vicinities (12 x 5 cm). Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the location of Canadian railways as of 1957 ...
(50) Births, marriages and deaths, etc.
Canada. Department of M...
(50) Births, marriages ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
6 maps showing births, marriages and deaths in Canada. Each map 15 x 32 cm. Each includes a legend. Scale 1:20,000,000 or one inch to 315.6 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: The data for maps on this plate were derived from the 1951 Census of Canada ...
(38) Natural vegetation and flora.
Canada. Department of M...
(38) Natural vegetation...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
20 maps showing natural vegetation and flora in Canada. 1 map 23 x 27 cm, 14 maps 10 x 13 cm, 2 maps 10 x 17 cm, 3 maps 4 x 13 cm. Each includes a legend. Scale 1:50,000,000 or one inch to 789.1 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: In addition to a general map of the natural vegetation of Canada, this plate shows 18 elementary types of plant distribution which illustrates the historical background of some of the principal groups or elements in the flora of Canada ... [Date of map inferred based upon atlas data.]
Text: (71) Food industries.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (71) Food industr...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (71) Food industries.
Text: (92) Hospitals.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (92) Hospitals.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (92) Hospitals: This plate shows the location and capacity, in 1951, of hospitals, classified into three categories: General ... Special ... Mental ...
Text: (55) Principal religions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (55) Principal re...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (55) Principal religions: The 1951 Census of Canada enumerated the religious denomination of which each person was either a member or to which he adhered or favoured.
Text: (41) Ranges of principal commercial trees.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (41) Ranges of pr...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (41) Ranges of principal commercial trees: Tree species native to Canada number 171, but many of these are of little or no commercial importance and also, in many cases, have a very restricted range. This plate shows the ranges of the 35 species of economic importance ...
Text: (35) Soil regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (35) Soil regions...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (35) Soil regions.
(58) Furs, whaling and fish processing.
Canada. Department of M...
(58) Furs, whaling and ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
14 maps showing Furs, whaling and fish processing in Canada. 2 maps 18 x 32 cm (scale 1:20,000,000), 2 maps 15 x 18 cm (1:10,000,000), 7 maps 10 x 15 cm (1:50,000,000), 1 map 19 x 7 cm (1:20,000,000), 2 maps 19 x 9 cm (1:10,000,000). Each map includes a legend, 1 an index, 1 a diagram. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: As trapping is carried on in nearly all parts of Canada, establishments licensed to buy furs are found throughout the country. However, only those outside the main generally settled areas have been shown individually on this map, as they correspond most closely to what are traditionally thought of as "fur trading posts" ...
(12) Bathy-orography - Northern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(12) Bathy-orography - ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows depths of waters and topography in Canada. Includes a legend indicating depths and heights. Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Northern Canada, together with the relief or orography, of the land in this area as it is known in 1957 ...
Text: (32) Weather stations and forecast regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (32) Weather stat...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (32) Weather stations and forecast regions: This plate shows the distribution of various types of weather reporting stations as well as the way in which Canada is divided for the purposes of issuing weather information to the public ...
Text: (9) Bathy-orography - Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (9) Bathy-orograp...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (9) Bathy-orography - Canada: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Canada, together with the relief, or orography, of the land as it is known in 1957 ...
(53) French and British origins.
Canada. Department of M...
(53) French and British...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
2 maps showing French and British origins in Canada. Each map 23 x 64 cm. Each includes a legend, as well as a diagram indicating percentage distribution of population. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate illustrates the distribution of population of French and British origin according to the 1951 census of Canada ...
(15) Glacial geology.
Canada. Department of M...
(15) Glacial geology.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows glaciers and ice caps, as of 1957, as well as extinct glacial lakes and areas formerly sea-covered in Canada. Includes a legend. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This map was compiled by the Geological Survey of Canada from data obtained from many institutions and individuals ... [Date of map inferred based upon atlas data.]
(22) Temperature ranges.
Canada. Department of M...
(22) Temperature ranges...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
6 maps showing temperatures in Canada. 4 maps 23 x 32 cm, 2 maps 10 x 12 cm. Each includes a legend. Scale 1:20,000,000 or one inch to 315.6 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: The mean annual maximum temperature is the mean of the highest temperature recorded each year from 1921 to 1950 inclusive ...
Text: (2) Mapping the coasts, 1492-1874.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (2) Mapping the c...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (2) Mapping the coasts, 1492-1874: This plate is designed to show, by means of a series of historical maps, how the knowledge of the extent and shape of Canada grew from earliest times to the period around Confederation ...
(5) Extent of topographical mapping, 1955.
Canada. Department of M...
(5) Extent of topograph...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
4 maps showing Canada at different scales. Each map 23 x 32 cm. Each includes a scale statement. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: The purpose of this plate is to show the extent to which Canada has been mapped on relatively large scales - 1:1,000,000 (15.783 miles to 1 inch) or larger ...
Text: (46) Distribution of population, 1851-1941.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (46) Distribution...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (46) Distribution of population, 1851-1941: The maps of this plate show the distribution of population in what is now Canada for the years 1851, 1871, 1901, 1921 and 1941 ...
(9) Bathy-orography - Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(9) Bathy-orography - C...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows depths of waters and topography in Canada. Includes a legend indicating depths and heights. Features a diagram: Profiles along meridians and parallels. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Canada, together with the relief, or orography, of the land as it is known in 1957 ...
Text: (40) Forest inventory maps.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (40) Forest inven...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (40) Forest inventory maps: The portions of the four maps appearing on this plate illustrates the kind of forest maps that are being prepared from air photographs ...
Text: (106) Rural municipalities - Western Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (106) Rural munic...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (106) Rural municipalities - Western Canada: Both Quebec and Ontario have a two-tier system of rural government. In Quebec the basic unit is the parish or township and the second tier is made up of counties ...
(71) Food industries.
Canada. Department of M...
(71) Food industries.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
6 maps showing food industries in Canada. Each map 15 x 32 cm. Each includes a legend. Scale 1:20,000,000 or one inch to 315.6 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. [Date of map inferred based upon atlas data.]
Text: (110) Canada and the world.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (110) Canada and ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
On verso of (110) Canada and the world.
Text: (62) Sawmills.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (62) Sawmills.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (62) Sawmills.
(65) Wheat and barley.
Canada. Department of M...
(65) Wheat and barley.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
2 maps showing wheat and barley in Canada. Each map 23 x 64 cm. Features 2 diagrams indicating percentage distribution. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate illustrates the distribution of the areas seeded in wheat and barley for harvesting in 1951 ...
Text: (27) Seasonal precipitation.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (27) Seasonal pre...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (27) Seasonal precipitation: The total precipitation for any season is the sum of the rainfall and one tenth of the snowfall for that particular three-month period. The mean seasonal precipitation is the mean of the seasonal totals during the period 1921 to 1950 inclusive.
(93) Education.
Canada. Department of M...
(93) Education.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
4 maps showing education in Canada. 1 map 19 x 64 cm (scale 1:5,000,000), 1 map 12 x 64 cm (1:5,000,000), 2 maps 15 x 32 cm (1:20,000,000). Each map has a legend, and 1 has a diagram: Percentage distribution of university and college enrollments, 1955. Features a list of "Degree-granting institutions". Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N.
(55) Principal religions.
Canada. Department of M...
(55) Principal religion...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
6 maps showing principal religions in Canada. Each map 15 x 32 cm. Each includes a legend and a diagram. Scale 1:20,000,000 or one inch to 315.6 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: The 1951 Census of Canada enumerated the religious denomination of which each person was either a member or to which he adhered or favoured.
Text: (16) Bedrock geology.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (16) Bedrock geol...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (16) Bedrock geology: This map was compiled by the Geological Survey of Canada in 1956 from published and unpublished maps and reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Provincial Departments of Mines, mining companies and other sources.
Text: (13) Physiographic regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (13) Physiographi...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
On verso of (13) Physiographic regions.
Text: (25) Annual precipitation.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (25) Annual preci...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (25) Annual precipitation: The official Canadian rain gauge is a small cylinder with a cross sectional area of ten square inches, mounted with the gauge rim one foot above level ground ... The man annual total precipitation and snowfall maps are primarily based on thirty-year data during the period 1921 to 1950 inclusive.
Text: (69) Agricultural regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (69) Agricultural...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (69) Agricultural regions: This plate shows the division of Canada into Agriculture Regions according to the percentage of total gross farm revenue obtained from a particular source in 1951 ...
(44) Ranges of principal commercial inland fish.
Canada. Department of M...
(44) Ranges of principa...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
20 maps showing ranges of principal commercial inland fish in Canada. Each map 10 x 13 cm. Each includes a legend. Scale 1:50,000,000 or one inch to 789.1 miles. Descriptive text on verso: Because of limited space, the selection of species was confined to the more important inland fish of commercial value. The ranges, for the most part, indicate present and usual distribution ... [Date of map inferred based upon atlas data.]
Text: (75) Industrial minerals.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (75) Industrial m...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (75) Industrial minerals: The term "Industrial Minerals" is used here to describe the wide variety of non-metallic minerals which were produced in Canada in 1955 ...
(77) Hydro and fuel electric power - Eastern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(77) Hydro and fuel ele...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows hydro and fuel electric power in Eastern Canada. Includes legend. Features diagram: Percentage distribution of net generating capability by provinces, 1954. Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the location of developed and undeveloped electric power plants or sites in Eastern Canada according to their actual or anticipated installed capacity in 1954 ...
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